Awake! to be part of Watchtower Public Edition!

by Atlantis 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • baltar447

    But where will i get my extra toilet paper now?

  • WTWizard

    Maybe it's time to supplement your "education" with study of the occult. For sure, it will be better than this rubbish.

    Not to mention, this restricts your options further for placement. Before, if you were uncomfortable with a rag article, you could showcase another article or the other rag for that edition. Whether it be something you cannot explain to the householder or something that can later be used against you, you could just find another article. Also, if an article is not appropriate for the specific householder(s), you could find one that was. And it was only 2 weeks before you got another chance. Now, if you get a bad article for placement, you are stuck with it for the whole month.

    And, with Saturn headed for Sagittarius, I would expect them to enrich the curriculum in an attempt to lure people into the cancer the way they did back in the mid 1980s. As full of lies it was back then, at least you had a belief system that was plausible and you could hold your own against any xian religion. Now, it is so wimpy that I expect they will have to resort to bullying and threatening, and suing, people back into the cancer (and possibly even medicating them, with such as Prozac and its derivatives, Haldol, and Seroquel) to get them back in because no one is going to fall for this scam, even with Saturn in Sagittarius, for lack of substance.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The translation seems to indicate that this is a shipping matter not a publishing matter. The two small mags will be sent together to the congregations instead of two seperate bundles. It refers to this arrangement already underway in the US. We know we do not have two mags in one issue in the US. It must be referring to how the public edition and the monthly Awake are delivered to the congregations. Someone translate this for us. Thanks.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    " The translation seems to indicate that this is a shipping matter not a publishing matter. The two small mags will be sent together to the congregations instead of two seperate bundles."

    hmmm . . . what's the reason for shipping the Awake! inside the Watchtower? Is there some shipping law or shipping tariff that Watchtower is trying to evade? Why is Watchtower hiding one magazine inside another for shipping purposes?

  • Atlantis

    Thanks Hilde!


    Wasanelder Once, thats a good idea, because the JWs are talking as if the 2 mags are going to be combined into one magazine. But perhaps its just the way they are being shipped together, and then separated after delivery. Got to be one or the other I would think!



  • wifibandit

    This is just getting Columbia's magazines to be the way it has been in the U.S. for the past year, AWAKE! in the middle of the Public Edition Watchtower.

  • prologos

    Wasanelderonce, The 2 public mags are already one magazine, in the sense that the Awake is an Insert of the wt. you have to separate them, a pull-out, like a centerfold. Not Play boy mind you.

  • factfinder

    The January 2015 is on but I cannot download the pdf

  • mana11

    When JEHOVAH fails to provide enough funds to preach and print the truth we wil lknow it is time to stop!.

    they should take that to heart and STOP!.

  • steve2

    I will humbly acknowledge I was likely not the very first to speculate that the organization would "combine" the two magazines, but there was a thread a few months ago when I drew a comparison with the Australasian edition of Newsweek which combined with the Australian Bulletin (Newsweek was not saved by this desperate editorial gesture - it still ceased publication. I cannot claim divine inspiration for my prediction; however I can say my "true" prediction has now been confirmed. I can "truly" claim too that the light I proffered back then has become brighter with no flip-flopping either. Perhaps I am the 'faithful and discreet slave' of which the Lord spake? I need to take this understandsble wondering to the Lord in earnest prayer. Even as I write, my ego is inflating. Some have started followings on less accurate predictions.

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