From A Bublical Point Of View Did You Ever Think The Trinity Doctrine Made Sense?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    One ELEMENT = H2O ---> but H2O can have one of the 3 conditions: water - ice - steam

    That's another heresy called modalism. It is NOT the trinity.

  • cofty

    In the book of Genesis, chapter one, the Lord relates the events of the creation in the form of an editorial "we". "Let us make man in our own image and likeness..." - kepler

    That is far easier to understand in the context of polytheism. In early OT literature Yahweh was one god among others.

    You have offered hints of Jesus' deity but nothing at all regarding a trinity.

  • suavojr


    How did you understand the trinity when you were a beleiver of fairy tales?

  • cofty

    I accepted the doctrine as an imperfect post-biblical attempt to reconcile the deity of Jesus with monotheism.

  • OneGenTwoGroups

    Jesus prayed to himself.

    Perhaps the dumbest idea ever born from any kind of theism.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    The Trinity doctrine came about in part because the NT does not mesh with the OT. Just contrast Isaiah 44:24 with Colossians 1:15-17 and You'll see what I mean. Another example Jehovah says there is no one like him. (Isaiah 46:9; Psalm 89:6) But 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Hebrews 1:3 refer to Jesus as being God's image and the exact representation of God's very being. So the NT contradicts the OT's point about God's unparalleled uniqueness.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Take the position that the trinity is true and I will show you from the Bible why it is false. Take the position that the trinity is false and I will show you from the Bible that it is true. You can use the Bible support or condem just about anything you want as it so often has contridictory claims. There's a reason there's over 30,000 denominations of Christianity in the United States alone.

  • OnTheWayOut

    He was NOT the messiah.

    ...he was just a very naughty boy?

  • garyneal

    I would say, yes it made sense but at the same time I was never able to explain it without, as cofty pointed out, resorting to a heresy. My own personal explanation was kind of a mix of modalism and the oneness doctrine. That is until I was confronted with the fact that there were contradictory scriptures by the Jehovah's Witnesses. It wasn't until I later began seriously studying the scriptures and the christian teachings that I learned about the nicene creed and the orthodox view of the teaching.

    Upon learning this I began to wonder why churches do not seriously explain this doctrine as I've even seen ministers who would use a modalistic view to explain it.

  • lriddle80

    This will probably be heresy according to Cofty...but I think of it like a family. God is a family consisting of The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. All one in purpose and spirit. I don't think humans have it figured out, but I don't think God is mad at us for trying. We are trying to seek him and understand. That has to say something. I pray sometime that God would show me the truth or forgive our small minds for insisting that we know how everything is. I think if the bible had clear-cut answers to everything, we would just move on to something else. The problem is, that people want to be God. Everyone does, we want to control everything, know everything, be perfect. But, people are incapable of this and need to, instead, turn to God for all of that and worship him.

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