One Day assembly in Arizona- $17,000 !!

by AndDontCallMeShirley 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    LEAVING_QUIETLY: I think we have a right to ask where all that money is going.

    Yeah, you do that!

    Get back to us on how that goes.

    Seriously. If you're a single sister, I think you might get away with asking and get a polite, evasive answer. It won't tell you anything. You'll have to be firm and push to get an itemized breakdown of WHERE the money goes. Do it! (If you have the courage.)

    However, if you're a brother with responsibilities or hoping to get some, (or even perhaps without any), be prepared to find your balls in a vice as to why you are questioning "Jehovah's appointed servants". Definiately a way to get yourself put "on the radar"!


  • talesin

    Cook a pizza in under 30 seconds? Okay, that is impossible ....... label-licker, don't make things up - it makes the rest of your statement questionable.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Cook a pizza in under 30 seconds? Okay, that is impossible

    According to Back to the Future Part II, we should be able to by now.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Ours was $9000 a few weeks back. $17,000 is more than the cost of a typical two-day! How much toilet paper and soap do you people go through???

    Seriously, though, even $9000 is way high. I think we have a right to ask where all that money is going.

    When I was still serving as an elder, I had several publishers who would ask me about these outrageous costs (guess I was just "approachable") and frankly they were just impossible to defend. As I understand it now, the "rental fee" is established so that 50% of the fee can be forwarded directly to the WTS, thus they are actually charging double the costs of the facility (which includes stashing money aside for the next scheduled remodel). The Assm Halls in the UK (and perhaps Canada) must file a public financial report and it's clear to see how much money they are sitting on and how much they are forwarding to "Mother".

    These are things that need to be questioned by those who are still active. If they think no one notices or cares, they will just continue to rape & pillage the Sheeple more and more. It would be good to put those Elders on the spot who continually "rubberstamp" the outrageous expenditures. Make them feel uncomfortable. Make them squirm. Many of those ignorant Puds just feel important when they "motion" or "2nd the motion" to spend $1000s and $1000s of the R&F hard earned cash. You can be sure many of these deadbeats never put anything more than a $20 in the contribution box.

    ASK YOUR ELDERS AT THE NEXT ASSEMBLY WHY IT COSTS DO DAMN MUCH!! Esp if your area has owned the Assm Hall for many years/decades.

    I hope it goes without saying that everyone here has QUIT funding this insatiable, money fleecing beast!


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The interesting thing is that many of the congregations in the northern part of the state have opted out of using the Ass Hall-it's too far to travel. They still have their assemblies in rented facilities like high schools, etc.

    Guess what? No annouincement is made at those assemblies stating a specific cost for the facilities and what is expected for donations.

    I speculate this because if they announced a cost of $17,000, too many JWs would simply ask the school administrators what the real rent cost is and easily expose the scam WT pulls every assembly at its own facilities. WT has total control and zero transparency at its own ass halls..which is the way they like it.

  • WingCommander

    Cook a pizza in under 30 seconds? Okay, that is impossible ....... label-licker, don't make things up - it makes the rest of your statement questionable.

    I'm a mechancal/architectural designer and I work for a contractor where we design not only refrigeration, but also food service layout design to grocery store chains, convience stores, etc. There are many companies now making large and small infared ovens that are programmable and will cook an entire pizza in 30 seconds. This is NOT science fiction.

    - Wing Commander

  • redvip2000

    This goes back to there is a per publisher cost added to the overall cost of the assembly.

    Exactly!. So each assembly automatically starts off with a deficit. It doesn't matter how much money was collected before, because the calculation of cost per publisher is always lower than the meager amount that is kept in the account.

    I recall that everytime i heard the financial report being read, i wondered what exactly is creating such an expense. Light? Water? Soap?Toiled Paper? Something didn't add up.

  • Crazyguy

    What was the attendance of the assembly that cost 17000, it would give usan idea of a cost per person thier charging?

  • label licker
    label licker

    Talsin we were there when it was being built and we were there when they used it. Don't call people liars before you see it yourself. We saw it!!!!!!! I expect words like that from the dimwits from within, not here. Or maybe I guessed wrong.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Talsin we were there when it was being built and we were there when they used it. Don't call people liars before you see it yourself. We saw it!!!!!!! I expect words like that from the dimwits from within, not here. Or maybe I guessed wrong. Are you going to tell me that the ovens aren't wood fed as well? You better believe it and it can get good and hot with the stone and fire. They want to do this with all the bethels eventually last time we were there. These are not the large pizzas but the mini rounds. Maybe Outlaw can draw you a picture of what the mini rounds look like if you want to argue that as well.

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