Strange situation

by Gorbatchov 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Londo111


  • sloppyjoe2

    There are a lot of predictions made on here, sometimes right sometimes wrong. The only predictions that NEVER happen are the ones that predict some negative outcome for the organization. The JWs do not get confused or worry about the changes, they LOVE them. They don't know what the previous doctrines were so the changes do not matter to them at all. With their new language app and jw tv they are going to look like a fine oiled very loving religion. That will bring in new people as well as reinforce it to the current JWs. Lets be realistic they went through the 1975 debacle and are now thriving, they glossed over the generaton that saw 1914 not passing away with just a hiccup. They really could change a lot without any long term damage. Very few JWs really know their organization history, and if they do they staunchly defend it. The organization is going to continue to grow, no fleecing of money, no JWs questioning anything. The way I see it they have everything wrapped up at least until 2034. When that doesn't work out they will have planned for it and came up with something new. By then 1975 and the old generation teachings will be forgotten. A new religion will be in full force and churning on to the 22nd century.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers


    You are right on Brother! Right on!

    Remember when your cellular phone provider charged you for calls and messaging and data usage was unlimited?

    That was marketing genius!!! People curbed their phone calls and messaging but went ballistic with data use, internet, YouTube..etc.

    After a few months however, they changed it...people were hooked on data. HOOKED! and then they changed it. Then they started giving people unlimited calls and text, but started charging enormous fees for data usage. Freaking Marketing Geniuses!

    Now, people CAN NOT live without their internet on their phones.

    In comparison, your point is right on! Reinvent it. Make them dependent on it. Make them worship the PRIVILEGE to be part of an organization where the FDS is grandpa and just a click away. THEN...make the changes.

    You got it brother....By the way, thanks for taking down that wall!


  • AlwaysBusy

    I don't understand the "type/anti-type.

    Anyway, Take Care.


  • EdenOne


  • passwordprotected

    The religion is changing.

    Some will wake up as a result, some always do and many of us are here as a result.

    But most will stay safely ensconsed in their spiritual paradise, surrounded by their similarly atrophied conditional friends and family.

    However, as to whether these changes, whether doctrinally or technologically, will bring in new converts, I highly doubt it. Is any Abrahamic religion other than Islam growing in the West, where surely the GB wants to see growth (the West is where the cash is)? It doesn't seem so.

    I think the WTBTS will happily plateau for the forseeable future. After all, it takes considerably less effort and resource to keep a customer than it does to gain a new customers. The GB will be content to see incremental growth from within; the born-ins. Keep the families already in the cult happily sated on Spirituality Lite, giving the parents as many tools as possible to guilt-trip their kids into becoming the next generation of suit-wearing, bag-toting faithful adherents.

    And when the down-turn in membership inevitably happens, it won't bother them; the love of the greater number is due to cool off, after all.

    The GB doesn't want a big religious following. Too hard to control. A satisfied and loyal/faithful core is the end-game. And everything is set up to make that happen.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    BluePill2, I agree with your ex-wife. She gets it. "I'm in for Jehovah...I don't care what the Org or the GB does."

    She understands that the most important thing is OUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JEHOVAH. What other humans do doesn't matter. It's their problem.

  • Apognophos

    There's just one problem with the idea of being "in it for Jehovah"... who tells you what Jehovah thinks, and cares about?

  • punkofnice

    a watcher - I feel you are probably trolling, but it's these men, the GB, the Org that are stating what Jehovah(tm) is saying, what his commands are, what his will is, what JWs MUST OBEY.

    You cannot disregard these 'men' without having to disregard Jehovah(tm) because the 'men' are showing you what you have to believe (or face being shunned and isolated), about Jehovah(tm). The 2 are inextricably linked. A personal relationship(tm) with the imaginary magic man in the sky is as per the GB's commands.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Apognophos, the info comes from a variety of sources: the Bible, holy spirit, and the GB; in that order.

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