Strange situation

by Gorbatchov 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ocean1111


    Yes it is prophetic and historic and logical and formulaic all at the same time. Daniel 11:42-43 is a unique prophecy due to the explicit literal nature of the meaning. It is in the face literal global bullion control as what means global sovereign control in the end, because regardless how they extend the USDollar all currency systems have an initial wealth store foundation like gold and silver the classic true wealth base of power. And a global actual gold bullion coup, already well on the way in real control, will mean that controlling supra-national entity will direct all monetary final systems, and they can transition in controlled manner to a global monetary system. Its all now basic formula already present in the whole post 1913 central banking model, etc. (It is why Daniel 11:42-43 wealth/asset control must precede Dan11:45 world government; prophecy reflects reality)

    Interestingly the true wealth store is not currency, thus currency is not money and it is not wealth but as the global dollar-based " Ponzi scheme" runs globally fiat currency is perceived as "as good as gold" until the shtf. Thus as the real Daniel 11:42-43 unwinds and the gold "base plate of national sovereignty", as gold is also known as by some, goes into globalized control the national sovereign power will also shift en-masse to the final wealth globalization system.

    In the meantime the gradual removal of gold from the US currency backing since 1933-1971, while at the same time making it the global reserve currency was indeed a masterful transition. Incrementally the banks are the ones who multiply the currency as debt, and a certain amount of that debts fails and in such the securitized collateral is reliably amassed into the corporate structure for zero redistribution in that "immortal corporation" complex global in principle and reality. Thus it was just a matter of time national governments would also be "foreclosed" and in that process will "funnel" their assets, including people, into world government ownership all legalized at then international legal levels who will also run the martial system monopoly process.

    Thus the supra-national structure is ALREADY operating in all the world wars. And since WW1, WW2 and the Cold War all ended their cycles into a UN world government formative presentation that is what the cycle has served now three times in history, it is a wealth and power consolidation formula. JWs did explain the first two UN placements (1919, 1945) but Bethel bypassed the 3rd UN placement significance of 1990 after the Cold War ended. Thus the actually UN 1-2-3-4 historic and prophetic UN forming quadruple super-cycle is also broken by apostate and impostor run Bethel.

    Thus when JWs coulda, shoulda, woulda seen a UN 4th cycle coming up as a global requirement and reliable repeating cycle and formula, instead "the end" can be sold to JWs instead as that cycle begins, not ends. By losing the meaning of the 3rd UN placement in 1990, the rest of the JW diversion was accomplished. Now as the world itself readies a fourth cycle of world war and financial "tribulation" by design, JWs can be tossed into Daniel 11:42-43 global events, thinking it is Daniel 11:44, and Bethel assets will also go bye-bye. This is because Bethel has also prematurely and overly advanced JWs TOO FAR into Daniel 11 at Dan11:44, and that also aids the delusion that aids the hoax.

    Now if we add this all up a grand hoax is enabled and in my opinion well beyond coincidental, random and accidental, this baby is BY DESIGN.

    All I could say now is it cannot be "the end", it is the final global financial transformation cycle (probably aided by a controlled world war, as usual, in some manner) whose national financial compromise will mean a globalized checkmate final wealth "solution" will also be enabled and will emerge as Daniel 11:42-43 truly culminates (into Dan11:44-45) and that will take some years to finalize to fully operable under world government.

    In any event JWs will be sidelined for the initial part of the final cycle, duped and derailed, ministerially broke and "scattered", as that is also a goal of the Bethel operation.

    IMO at some point JWs recoverable will connect up the UN 1-2-3-4 certainty, while the final and fourth cycle is active and will make the required final announcement. Thus the whole original Daniel 12 cycle JWs explained actually replicates the first UN related world-war-to-world-government cycle (1914-1919), in this final world-war-to-world-government cycle, as the global cycle ALSO repeats. This is why prophecy repeats, because world cycles it predicts also repeat to merge into history, not actually "prophecy" at that point.

    As they truly complete world government a number of years from now, then it is when the Christ arrival is enabled and that is why Christ arrives AFTER the "tribulation of those days" ends into first that world government "abyss rise". In reality a whole lot of global developments occur in Matthew 24:29 true meaning even before Christ shows up. Bethel simply bypasses all that as "the end" and "the tribulation" are just a synonym at bethel, when in reality the final cycle is going to be a drawn out global affair and it will lead to UN based world peace and recovery, not at all what JWs today are expecting, in fact all of Christendom is also caught up in the same premature end delusion, Bethel was bagged lastly, to be added to the whole hoax complex by 1976 GB guidance. The whole GB concept is a fraud controlling council. (2Thess2:11-12);

    btw, Daniel 11:40 is the "King North" globalization expansion accelerated since 1990. Daniel 11:41 is King North running Bethel as per Daniel 11:32a and Dan8:12-13. Of course lawless Bethel will not self-incriminate themselves in the 1990 3rd UN placement shenanigans and cover-up like the UN NGO, hence their own apostasy is also in the self-same prophecies they now conceal with fraud WW2 era and USSR "interpretations".

  • galaxie

    Hindsight makes it all fit!... I'm a convert yippee !!!!

  • designs

    How are you going to turn off the JW fixation on Armageddon being just around the corner.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The GB can do whatever they want with ANY (and I mean ANY) doctrine/creed/policy whatsoever and the Watchtower organisation would still survive, provided they don't mess with their following cardinal, fundamental doctrines:

    NO trinity, NO immortal soul, NO hellfire, heavenly and earth resurrections.

    These four doctrines are the real concept holding them captive. The rest is so much stuff around the edges that can be discarded with little collateral damage.

    It may be that we are hearing hints of a desire on the part of some GB members to discard all the debateable, weird stuff around the edges that is proving a stumbling block and just get back to the basics.

  • berrygerry


    I liked your OP (not interested so much in your 2nd)

    IMO, the GB are well aware of the real truth.

    But, there must be a significant number of the Writing Committee who know that it's all BS.

    All of the above must have some sort of Parachute Agreement to escape with a retirement amount.

    I previously posted the Canadian tax filings. That money is going somewhere.

  • Gorbatchov

    That's it: changing the package first en step 2 is changing the ingredients.

  • quellycatface

    Like your post Gorby.

    It is a totally different religion to when I started studying in 1999. Unless you are able to step back, you might not notice how different it has become. I became inactive in 2006, then went back to a few meeting in 2009 and for about 6 months in 2013. The changes were obvious. Then the new Bible - whoa!!!!

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    Interesting point yadda yadda

    i agree that they could change just about anything else. I would also add the name jehovah to your list. They couldn't dump that. its too critical to their identity.

  • Ocean1111


    Yes instead of just go with the first reaction designed into any known scam deploying a subterfuge we can reverse engineer a few publicly available Bethel operation details instead and draw some other conclusions. Such as the shadow board that actually runs the corp. By that we know the GB is just the political front group whose dominance is also in attention and diversion, yet not one of them wrote one single classic JW book, they are just good at taking credit, after the fact for the whole thing; so JWs buy that "holy-by-association" ploy as the GB also project onto themselves the reputation of at one time vanguard Christians. The GB are not "Christian", they are the exact opposite, hence the diametric and "faithful slave" grandiose claims. JWs eat it up now, like the Catholics and the Pope, its the same thing, different clown suit.

    Now people try to discredit the whole International Bible Students movement as if it is all the same GB corruptions since 1976. Thus by association with today's "lawless one" Bethel's reputation is also projected for the opposite effect upon the past ministry the whole first cycle of prophecy is also discredited. (2Pet2:1-3) And since the global cycles repeat, as does prophecy (for they are mirrors), the main pattern in the WW1 cycle is also now not studied as closely as it should be. Contrary to denial and popular opinion, the League of Nations development, that just so happened to pop up after 200 billion was channeled in the Federal Reserve monetarily fueled gravy train through the WW1 cycle, is not innocuous and by the way, it is the reason why the world war cycle is run. Again in WW2 and again in the Cold War. (The "disgusting thing" "causes desolation" for a cyclic reusable reason: its own profit and presentation, over and over);

    Thus what started as the League of Nations will now irreversibly complete its global government goal. It is not that surprising the world needs a world government, it is a natural evolution of the nation-state system to complete its synthesis into integral world government, it makes sense in reality. The problem was national sovereigns not so keen on relinquishing their national direction to the overall global greater objective. The solution? Bankrupt them into submission (Dan11:42-43, Hab2:7) then become the globalized wealth recovery system "global solution" now fully in supra-national international super-corporate control.

    Thus the national "problem" already has the world government financial "solution" ready for recovery at that time. And in the process the national sovereign irresponsible politicians with limited insight will be the "problem" requiring a wiser global technocratic guidance system. (Isa19) In time people will accept the "solution" because the "problem" will be very real, well identified by that time, and the "solution" will actually be the true "solution". World government always has been the real "solution". Its grander objectives and agenda, also now being revealed, are what is not so accommodating to the average Joe; the principle of global government is valid, the ones carrying it out are not, they are mere men, its a pipe dream beyond human true capability of permanent success. (Rev17:12)

    And thus the first cycle microcosm of meaning in WW1-to-world-goverment cycle, will have a final cycle with the exact same objectives, but at enormous ten fold global scale. In reality the WW1-to-League_of_Nations cycle is the ominous trigger cycle that set the theme for the next 100 years plus, not just in military but financial and industrial dimensions for the globalization acceleration pictured in that cycle whose function has always been: producing globalized world government for real. Thus it is evident even without prophecy, the whole world for the last 100 years has been working for world government completion whether they know it or not. World war is the main gravy train, accelerant, and cyclic event.

    (Even the Cold War was a global war, just "cold" in nature as termed. That unique nature (Dan11:29) is how the WW1-2-3 cycle of cycles, actually there, is broken from public awareness by that "Cold War is not WW3" break. In reality all the global wars result in a UN related presentation to cap off the cycle, 1-2-3-4. I mean it sort of explains itself after it happened 1-2-3 times and thus not seeing the Cold War as a 3rd cycle is why this UN 1-2-3 thing is not so easy to see until it is pointed out. Bethel aids the breaking from that reality as well.)

    The UN was just the "image", blueprint, nucleus; world government as a whole super-structure global is what crystallizes the whole military and financial true power structure and it is inevitable that is where this final cycle will lead in time. Thus selling doomsday through uncertainty in theories, religions and now fully at Bethel as well, actually AIDS the whole overall final world government cycle—the worse things look in the "problem" cycle, THE BETTER the world government "solution" will appear in the recovery phase (Isa41:1) and seem necessary for it will be necessary. (That "admiration" by "recovery hope" principle is present in Rev13:3-4, and Rev17:8, and WW1 and WW2 and the Cold War (in its own way) as well)

    Thus one does not have to be a prophecy tracker, but just a world cycle aware person to see these are cycles, they repeat and the goal has always finished the cycle in 1914-1919, 1930-1945, 1947-1990, and this final one will be the same thing, but in final scope and function for real world government "placement". It is so clear from the world-war-to-world-government cycle itself it is intuitive, now the globalizing cyclic reality and function is also predictable EVEN WITHOUT "prophecy". Its a 1-2-3-4 to world government, plain and simple, it explains itself now.

    On stealing JW billions:

    Now in public record they already liquidated almost a half billion in US real estate holdings alone in the last 5 years. Imagine ALL their investment holdings internationally and it is within reason to assume they have LIQUIDATED a billion in assets in just 5 years globally. What are we stupid here? Well for Bethel yes, JWs are trained to be trusting, obedient and thereby stupid so the guards won't say a peep. Now if we project what it is like to turn a JW dollar into 10 dollars reliably especially by slave labor, we see the magnitude of the holdings still in WTBTS sphere may very well be a couple billion. Thus overall for black market investment by insiders, JW land was the perfect ROI scenario, and better yet they did it with JW dollars, not their own. But any investor would realize the slave labor ratio was a lucrative turnover in the JW history. And that is how they turn 1 dollar into 10, maybe more.

    Now just imagine how well immersed they are in the hedges by the designers of the casino. It will be like taking AIG down, but with NO BAILOUT! The globalists will also make BILLIONS on the "Bethel goes down in the third" derivatives bet! This whole thing is almost ridiculous and surreal it is so obvious what is going on at Bethel, it is truly "uncanny". There are more red flags than one can count.

    My call would be this is a cycle coming up, not to "the end" but the final process to world government completion, and that takes s few years overall. Don't buy the JW "the end" hype, they have to awaken to reality in the process. That hype aids the overall process by confusion and anxiety. Actually pity them they will need it explained, they are that lost, we are talking 40 YEARS off course in prophecy AND globalization-to-world-government modern basics, I mean JWs are now, by Bethel subversion, truly drawkcab ssa.

  • punkofnice

    This is an interesting fred. The JWs are more and more becoming 1984 Big Brother controlled.

    They are reluctant Winston Smith's who now 'love Big Brother.'

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