Leaving the JWs, experiencing Christianity and finding freedom! (But it took awhile)

by im_free 99 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Balaamsass2


    Whatever works.

  • Apognophos

    Welcome, im_free. The important thing is that you are not enslaved by the Society any longer.

  • im_free

    Wow, I wasn't expecting all these replies on the first day. I appreciate all the responses.

    I bounced around all over the place after I left the JW's as well. As i mentioned, it took about a decade after leaving the "truth" for me to come to where i am now so I had plenty of time to explore. I had my atheist phase too. In my opinion atheism is the default place to go for those of us who went through the JW experience and came out of the other end. It makes sense to me.

    All I can say is that I have experienced a radical inner transfomation since coming to a personal relationship with Jesus. After i left, it felt great to be free from all that nonsense, not having to go to meetings, not being in fear of getting judged but I was still generally who I was before. Since there was no more guilt, I ended up drinking heavily, cursing whenever I felt like it and other things which I am not too proud of during that time. Looking back, I can say that I emptied myself of the lies but needed to fill that void with something else during that time. None of the things that I was exploring did it for me.

    I can't explain it but something mysterious changed my life. I'm not talking about Christianity as in going to church either. I think there is very little difference between church attendance by itself and kingdom hall attendance. I think I mentioned in my original post that it's not about religion but a personal open line of communication with our Creator. I do know for a fact that Christianity as in going to church on Sundays was not going do it for me after what I've been through. What I experienced was not a mere different flavor of the same thing. It was radically different. Call it a fantasy or whatever but I can't deny the transformation in myself personally.

    For those that went from JW to Christianity to atheism, what was the turning point for you to give up on God? i am interested in hearing.


  • happy@last

    Welcome im_free, so glad you've found a place for yourself. I for one cannot comprehend how a loving almighty entity would allow so much suffering for so long, being so unjust in punishing those who have disobeyed or not even had the opportunity to know them.

  • clarity

    A big welcome to you Free....nice to have you here!

    I was a 'born again' for about 3 weeks after I left WT!

    I had faith alright .....but then realized I had faith because

    I didn't actually have any solid proof. Now I need the facts.

    Again great you are here, and enjoyed your post.


  • clarity

    Kalos ...hi to you and welcome!


  • jhine

    Hello , I am a never a JW , a member of the Anglican church . As such it is easy to see the faults with the Watchtower but not easy to get others to see them !!! Well done for how far you have come .

    I would suggest caution now . Many, especially on this site are now atheists . It seems that the realisation of how the org. lied to them and manipulated them makes people suspicious of anything until they have researched it for themselves . Quite right too . However we all have our own personal feelings about things and can let those get in the way . Please test everything you are told from both sides atheist and theist . I have found many statements taken as fact to not be so . I am always available to pm if you have questions that I can help you with .

    You will get much support on this site from everyone and I cannot in all honesty say that I do not know how it feels to have the JW rug pulled from under my feet after , in some cases , many years of faithful service . Lots of others here do and they will be able to share with you on that .

  • smiddy


    Welcome to you and your wife learning TTATT.Nobody beleived more than I did that JW`s had the truth , 33 years in as a convert.After the cracks appeared and I started to question things I faded feeling that GOD could not be backing this organisation.This was in the early 90`s.

    It wasn`t till years later with the help of the internet I found sites like Free Minds , shauns site on JW`s and eventually this one .

    It was education , searching for answers to my questions through all these channells that led me to where I am today .

    From a background of being brought up in a protestant household to beleive in christianity and the bible to being converted to jehovahs witnesses in my late teens for the next 33 years and then becoming agnostic to now having no trouble identifying myself as an atheist .

    I wish you both well in your journey with the rest of your life regardless of where it leads you.


  • cofty

    For those that went from JW to Christianity to atheism, what was the turning point for you to give up on God? i am interested in hearing.

    For me it was the problem of natural evil. There is just no answer to why a loving god would allow millions of deaths from avoidable incidents.

    Here is a summary of a thread where we discussed it in detail...

    Secondly it was the hiddenness of god. If god exists thwn existing seems to be all he does.

    Reading science also contributed to rejecting faith. I have been reading evolution for the past 10 years and it is by far the most fascinating topic you could investigate. Humans were not created, we evolved from a common ancestor of all other living things over millions of years. Once you have seen the evidence there is no way you can go back to bible stories.

    Understanding the history and development of the bible also puts it's claims in perspective.

    Keep an open mind and keep reading and debating all of these things. It may take years before you come to any conclusions. I can recommend some interesting books and online resources if you want.

  • passwordprotected

    Welcome! I too had a similar journey, which you can read about here - My Story: from JW Elder to Born Again Christian to Agnostic

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