Kennedy assassination....

by new hope and happiness 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TableForOne

    The pristine "bullet" that hit Kennedy AND Connelly causing numerous injuries was 'found' 100% intact.

    Yet, additional fragments of the "bullet" were retrieved from Connelly's thigh.



  • Simon

    It was only after watching a documentary recently that I found out that Oswals had shot at another official earlier (governor? Can't remember)

    I think the fact that he was assassinated live on TV has created more mystique and intrique around the whole thing and of course has fed the conspiracy theories.

  • TableForOne

    I think you're referring to the attempted assassination of US Major General (ret'd) Edwin Walker in April 1963, or DPD Officer JD Tippit in the minutes following the Kennedy shooting.

    Personally, I don't think L H Oswald was involved in either incident.


  • Apognophos

    The pristine "bullet" that hit Kennedy AND Connelly causing numerous injuries was 'found' 100% intact.

    Wikipedia says:

    Further evidence gathered suggested to the Commission that the initial April consensus that a separate bullet caused the governor’s wrist and thigh injuries was incorrect, as the Army Wound Ballistics experts concluded that those wounds were “not caused by a pristine bullet,” and therefore bullet CE 399 “could have caused all his wounds.” Other evidence, such as the nature of Connally’s back wound (see below) was also cited by the Commission as corroborating the theory. [...]

    The weight of bullet CE399 was reported in the Warren Commission Report as 158.6 grains (10.28 grams ). It was found that the weight of a single, unfired bullet ranged from 159.8 to 161.5 grains with an average weight of 160.844 grains.The lead fragments retrieved from Connally's wounds in the wrist (there were no fragments in the chest)weighed about 2 grains (130 milligrams).

    So the weight of the bullet roughly matches the amount of fragments retrieved from Connally. I agree that it's surprising the bullet was in such good condition, but that's probably precisely because it traveled through soft tissue and bone until it slowed to a complete stop.

  • TableForOne

    The Warren Commission was a cover up from it's conception.

    Let's just agree to disagree on this one.


  • Apognophos

    I wonder how you can trust anyone at all if the government can conceal the truth about a presidential assassination. Anyone could be in on the conspiracy, including conspiracy theorists!

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Thanks for the replys.

    Terry having had the opportunity to reviwew your links in greater depth, i conclude that Oswald acted alone. However that he was able to assasinate Kennedy is far harder to comprehend than Lincolns assasination. It would be easy to dismiss it as " the circumstances were the circumstances. But i feel that this would be doing an injustice to what happened.

    I therefore ask myself was it destiny, fate, written in the stars. I accept that this thinking will open me up to laughter., that it seems very far fetched. But that Oswald was able to assasinate the president that day seems equally so far fetched. And yet it happened. The improbable events that were beyound Oswalds control played out just right. Or maybe our life is just an improbable event that can be taken away by an improbable event at anytime.

  • Pistoff

    Too many bizarre questions and circumstances for me to say this was Oswald along, especially the ballistics.

  • Terry

    You can make anything bizarre by posing a question about it.

    Think of it this way. There are, say, 6 billion people on earth.

    Each day, every one of those people does something unique that nobody else does.

    Let's say, I wake up fetch my pants from the dryer and find $5 sitting right there in the dryer!

    I checked my pockets before washing.

    How could that have happened? Where did the $5 come from?

    And so on . . .

    multiply one seemingly mysterious happening times 6 billion and what do you discover?


    Or not.

    Just because we don't KNOW something or can't EXPLAIN it doesn't make it special or a conspiracy.

    Shit happens!

    BEING FAMOUS or IMPORTANT doesn't make you immune to the shit that happens.


    This guy is sort of like a latter day Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Nidal Malik Hasan

    Nidal Malik Hasan 2

    Nidal Malik Hasan was a U.S. Army Major, and the sole suspect in a shooting at the Fort Hood military base, only weeks before he would have deployed to Afghanistan. Prior to the shooting, Hasan had repeatedly expressed extremist views, most of which had been communicated to his superiors and the FBI. The Feds had even monitored his e-mails to Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, also known as the “Bin Laden of the Internet”. Sadly, political correctness and a slow-moving investigation prevented the Army from taking action before Hasan murdered 13 people and wounded 30 others. Oddly, the Pentagon never mentions Hasan’s Islamism in its entire 86-page review of the incident. Never mind that during the attack, he was not in uniform, but dressed in traditional Muslim clothing, and was shooting unarmed victims while shouting “Allah Ackbar”. Hasan currently resides under heavy guard at the Brooke Army Medical Center in Houston, Texas, reportedly a paraplegic.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Terry :- you say " being famouse or IMPORTANT doesn't make you immune to the shit that happens"

    No not immune, forget it you win, who would want to assasinate me? Its all relevent and point taken.

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