Kennedy assassination....

by new hope and happiness 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Lets call it the snipers nest. Has an independent expert ever sat in the window that Oswald fired that shot and said " yea its possible he could have assasinated the president" ?

  • Apognophos

    Yes, they've actually placed army shooters(like Oswald was) up there and they were able to make the shots as well as Oswald would have had to. See and

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Thats a lot of reading Apognohos and i will read it so thankyou.

    The truth is i am always suspect to what i read on authoritive knowledge. Thats why i come here. I only bought this topic up because it was discussed in the pub yesterday and i was amazed how it caused such debate. And then i thought why is this causing such a debate it happened so long ago and this is Sweden. And that is what got me, my Swedish friends were NOT talking about the assasination of their president in the 80s but an American president in the 60s.

    I found that wierd and thought i would bring the debate here because i like peoples independent thoughts, based on having read authoritive knowledge.

  • FFtruther144

    If anyone does research on Lee Harvey Oswald you will KNOW that there is much more to the story.

    He was Hoover's #1 guy, a CIA double agent, involved with Castro, Polio, Russia, all kinds of opps.

    He was a patsy - the powers that be had to get rid of him.

    This is a really good video on the subject:

    Another thought provoking version of the story, newer:

  • Apognophos

    Of course it's possible that any number of things happened, but the assassination can be explained easily with a single shooter at Oswald's location. The specifics of which shots did what are up for some debate.

    That doesn't mean that Oswald was acting on his own, though. The gov't's own investigation in 1978 found that there was probably a conspiracy involved, without suggesting who the conspirators were. Some suggestions, like the Cuban mafia, are reasonable, and some, like the CIA or LBJ, are stupid.

    It's also quite possible that Oswald was also acting alone, because he was an unstable, ideologically-obsessed individual. You can read his WP article to see how, even as a kid, he was unstable and people were concerned about him. He became interested in socialism/communism in his teens and eventually defected to Russia, so it's not too hard to believe that he simply decided to take action on his own.

  • Finkelstein

    did they ever find out in the interrogation how he had the info to be where he was at the right time, unlike the Srajevo hit job in 1914?

    Yes the exact route was published in the Dallas Star a couple days prior.

    The assertion that he was a double agent for the US has no evidence of support.

  • cultBgone

    And unstable people are easily coerced by powerful organizations to do the will of said organizations.

  • JeffT

    Finkelstein beat me to it. Also Garvilo Princip got Franz Joseph's route the same way, except that he got into the "right place at the right time" only because the driver didn't know the correct route.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    So is this simply an unresolvable problem?

    Life is full of unresolvable problems. Is the Anne Frank diary genuine? Who betrayed the household?

    life is simply full of events that happened a long time ago that will never be resolved.

    I think the greatest example of this is Jesus.

  • Apognophos

    So is this simply an unresolvable problem?

    We'll probably never know the whole, true story. Even if someone comes forward some day, or reveals something on their deathbed, it will probably be unverifiable hearsay.

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