7 Reasons Why “Babylon the Great” was Jerusalem

by Tiresias 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Tiresias

    Hello Pterist,

    Right you are. One such scholar is James Stuart Russell, who encapsulates the New Jerusalem and the Old Jerusalem as follows:

    The New Jerusalem The Old Jerusalem
    The heavenly Jerusalem The earthly Jerusalem
    The city which hath the foundations The non-continuing city
    The city whose builder is God The city whose builder is man
    The Jerusalem which is to come The Jerusalem which now is
    The Jerusalem which is above The Jerusalem which is beneath
    The Jerusalem which is free The Jerusalem which is in bondage
    The holy city The wicked city
    The bride The harlot

    "The real and proper antithesis, therefore, to the new Jerusalem is the old Jerusalem: and since the city contrasted with the new Jerusalem is also designated Babylon, we conclude that Babylon is the symbolic name of the wicked and doomed city, the old Jerusalem, whose judgment is here predicted."


  • Tiresias

    Hello Vanderhoven7,

    Thank you for your response.

    I believe theological positions (ideologies) can be elaborated and debated--to a point. But essentially, we see through paradigms, that is, a pattern of underlying assumptions. My paradigmatic assumptions may be summed up as follows:

    Abrahamic: All scripture was written by and for the ancient Israelites.

    Administrative: All scripture was written to discipline the Israelite leadership (principally).

    Anachronistic: All scripture was been fulfilled by the First Century C.E.

    I am no scholar. But I have crafted optics or mental lenses by which I can begin to make sense of the Bible. My 'unlearning' process has been as challenging as my 'learning' process. And I believe I am on to something. I want to share my optics with others who may want a light out of the dark cave--even if that light is but a pathetic flicker.

    Let me know what optics you are utilizing. Perhaps we will discover some intellectual affinities.


  • Vanderhoven7

    Hello Tiresias,

    My optics: I see all 66 books of the Bible to be the inspired word of God, a light unto my path.

    How about you?

  • Pterist

    Hi Tiresias -

    yes, I have read his ( James Stuart Russell) stuff, however, more recently I have been very interested in the cycles of Recapitulations seen in revelation.

    Currently, I'm more persuaded as a partial Preterist view / AMILL eschatology ...all that's left is the "final countdown"

    as follows:

    If then 16:17–21 ; 19:11–21 ; and 20:9–11 all recapitulate Christ’s second advent in 6:12–17 , we may conclude with good reason that 16:17–21 ; 19:11–21 ; and 20:9–11 are each parallel accounts of Christ’s return in their own right. The later abbreviated version in 20:9–11 evidently recapitulates the earlier, more detailed versions in 19:11–21 ; 16:17–21 ; and 6:12–17 . This conclusion, of course, calls into question the postmillennial and premillennial interpretations of 19:11–20:10 (11). The verbal and thematic parallels between 19:11–21 and 20:7–10 (11) indicate that the two passages have the second coming in view and thus that 20:7–10 (11) is a recapitulation of 19:11–21 .


    also interesting....



    thanks for the reply :)

  • eyeuse2badub

    What is purple and hates Jehovah's witnesses?

  • eyeuse2badub


    just sayin'


  • designs

    Is it of concern that this Russell also had his ideas come to him as a "revelation".

  • Tiresias

    Hello Vanderhoven7,

    I recently read that "a rainbow does not exist at one particular location. Many rainbows exist; however, only one can be seen depending on the particular observer's viewpoint as droplets of light illuminated by the sun."

    I'm happy that despite the many rainbows generated by the light we both see one.


  • designs

    How do you explain all of these theolgians praying to Jesus for the Truth coming to such divergent views.

  • Tiresias

    Hello EyeUse2Badub,

    A duck walks into a store, approaches the shopkeeper and asks, "Do you have any grapes?"

    The shopkeeper says, "Sorry, no."

    The duck walks away and returns the following day.

    "Do you have any grapes?"

    The shopkeeper answers, "No."

    The duck leaves the store, returns the following day and says, "Do you have any grapes?"

    The shopkeeper says "No! And if you ask me one more time I'll staple your feet to the floor!"

    The duck walks away.

    The next day the duck returns to the store and asks the shopkeeper, "Do you have any staples?"

    "No" says the shopkeeper.

    The duck replies, "Do you have any grapes?"



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