Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    JT - That's nice but millions of Islamists and conservative Muslims don't agree with you.

    They don't disagree with "me" because I am agnostic. ; ) They disagree with multi-millions of moderate Muslims. Nevertheless, it's clear from this thread that you all are painting with too broad a brush. You are blaming moderates for not decrying parts of the Quran, like the verse I quoted, when they feel no need because they think it doesn't apply to present day.

    So you guys need to get your own educational acts together, and figure out what you should really be complaining about.

  • tootired2care

    After seeing all of the sympathizing, and defense of Islam in this thread I'm now convinced that there will be very little progress toward reforms in Islam until enablers such as these who give legitamacy to the indefensable parts of Islam in the west are forced to wake up. I say forced, because apparently they are going to need a lot more blood to be spilled, in mass quanties, on the altar of Islam, before the stench of death gets so bad they will have no choice but to acknowledge that Islam is not a religion of peace, or even a force for good in the world.

    For the blinders the people in this forum choose to put on in defense of Islam, it is quite amazing that they were able to leave the Watchtower.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    How cuddly and inclusive is the Sunna?

    What does it teach about women, apostates, homosexuals, non-muslims?

    Good lord. Go take a college class on Islam Cofty.

  • Laika

    Luhe - little tip, when you're about to say something that sounds racist, it's usually because it is racist.

  • tootired2care

    @cofty - JT - That's nice but millions of Islamists and conservative Muslims don't agree with you.

    Exactly, and here is why.

    "About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity. About seventy-five percent of Muhammad's biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers."
    - Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy

    Justitia, could it be that you really just don't know what you're talking about?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @cofty - interesting article, I'd never heard of anocracy before.

    It seems that when the Arabs are allowed to vote they promptly vote in islamist parties - Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, etc. That's not reassuring.

    @Laika - that's just the sort of attitude that stifles honest debate. It won't wash with me.

  • Simon

    Religion relies on indoctrination, the constant repetition of phrases and ideas. I doubt each time they are repeated they include all the disclaimers and analysis that apparently (?) is required and a constant diet of hate-themes messaging about certain groups cannot have zero effect on those who hear it - little wonder it seems so easy for ISIS to divert people towards a slightly different interpretation and it still doesn't explain why 'moderate muslims' aren't able to say "those teachings are not in the Quran" or why people are threatened for disagreeing with parts of it.

    As for race, it's true that many are conflating religion and race. Let's be clear: it should be perfectly OK to criticise any and all religions and any religion that demands death to those who do or those who want to leave is not a religion, it's a cult of murder.

    But anyway, I think this is why some react so negatively toward criticism of islam. I haven't found direct statistics but there are references in articles to islam being more of a black religion than a white religion, especially when it comes to converts. Perhaps that is why some take criticism of islam as an attack on race (which it isn't) and become so defensive of it? We've seen people on this topic trying to make it about 'white race', contrast it with the KKK etc...

    Of course converts to islam can be any color, they even take gingers.

  • Laika

    Hey luhe, so I suppose you think we should ban arabs from voting then? #honestdebate #notracist

  • Mikado

    Cofty millions of Muslims DO agree with JTs post, YOU DONT

    totally different thing.

  • poopsiecakes

    Even moderate Muslims have extreme religious views - the hijab, ramadan, no handshakes or high fives between men and women, multiple prayers in the direction of Mecca daily, etc. I deal with a lot of this on a daily basis where I work. Lovely people, very kind and easy to talk to, no doubt about that and my personal thoughts on this whole topic is that because there really is no rejection of the Quran the way that moderate Christians reject portions of the OT (still weird to me how they pull that off).

    One lady who used to be my boss doesn't wear the hijab. She says that this is because she's vain, so she does an extra set of 5 prayers every night before bed to beg for forgiveness. Definitely some cognitive dissonance there, but the belief that a lack of head covering displeases a deity is extreme.

    Another example of a woman at work - she had some health issues a couple of years ago and also had not worn the hijab for a while. She got it into her head that her health issues were a punishment and began wearing the hijab again. Definitely an extreme point of view.

    One of the guys who reports to me will not high five me. He says it's because of respect for women, but knowing how women are viewed in Muslim society I'm a little skeptical that this is the underlying reason. At any rate, it's an extreme point of view.

    And another example from work - an adult woman is forbidden from her father to work past 8pm in the winter months and 9pm in the summer months. She complies with this because she's afraid of her father's wrath.

    These examples are all moderate Muslims, living in a Canadian city who are horrified by ISIS but still carry extreme views. Same thing with JW's who play well with others - they can be fun to chat and joke around with, will help you out, are kind and polite but they still want you to convert to their religion or no matter how nice you are, you'll feel the pain of death from a deity who judged you to be unworthy of life. The extremist Muslims are in a category all their own, but I do belive that moderate Muslims are much more like JW's and fundamentalist Christians.

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