Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • LoveUniHateExams


    But each faith's scriptures are different. The difference between the NT and the Quran is particularly striking. When christians are persecuted, they take comfort in sentiments such as 'you are no part of the world, like I'm no part of the world', 'turn the other cheek' and 'love your enemies'. When muslims are persecuted, some take comfort in sentiments such as 'slay the infidel'.

    Why can't you acknowledge this?

  • confusedandalone

    I wonder if everyone is still of Gregor mindset that they are goatfuckers (his racial SLUR NOT MINE) that need to die.

  • Gregor

    C&A - ditto what was quoted above.

    So you acknowledge that you misquoted me more than once?

    As far as my age, I truly apologize, but there's nothing I can do about being born in 1945. My Dr says I only have about 20 years left. I'm dealing with it.

    why don't you chill and not get kicked off again?

  • LoveUniHateExams


    Islamic 'holy wars' didn't just happen centuries ago. They're happening right now, even as we speak.

    Will you please acknowledge this fact. Thank you.

  • Simon

    confusedandalone: I am getting tired of your games but I will address this one point because it's simply too laughable and it would be a crime to pass it up:

    Cofty says, " I don't watch Fox

    Simon says, "Me neither. It sounds like an excuse to avoid trying to address the issues raised."

    Yet Simon your very first post in the thread you use the following link to establish your point. "http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/09/26/woman-beheaded-at-oklahoma-food-distribution-center-police-say/"

    (This needs to be in the voice of Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men", you know - in the courtroom scene)

    "Please, don't tell me you pinned your hopes on a web link ..."

    You see, I really don't watch Fox news ... I don't watch much news on TV because it always tends to be vacuous and repetitive (CNN missing plane anyone? Exactly).

    But posting a link to a website is not the same as watching a TV programme is it? You know there is a difference right? I bolded it to make it clear for you. No, come away from the Microwave and listen, it's not a TV so stop trying to tune it in ...

    I posted a couple of links off the first page of Google News about the issue. One was from the BBC, usually seen as 'liberal' (but really THE best news channel and reporting) and the other was from Fox because, well - they were just another one on the page, probably the second on the list and I wanted to post more than a single link to give some balance.

    So you see - pasting a link to a website copied off Google and saying "I don't watch Fox News" are totally compatible and no, you have not caught me out in a lie, it is not JWN Watergate and you do not gte a lillipop for doing well.

    Frazzled UBM:

    Sugggesting that Qcmbr be poster of the month for a post supporting your views smacks of partisanship. I think Pacopoolio should be poster of the month for his contribution that didn't include any words at all. But that is my partisan view and I have no authority on this site.

    Actually, I didn't think he really supported my point but posted a rather eloquent and balanced summation of things that I wanted to express credit for which I have the right to do just as any other poster does and you've just done for Pacopoolio above. Everyone has the right to voice opinions on the topic whether in agreement or disagreement but not to personally attack people simply for 'who they are'.

    This is different to what confusedandalone was doing which is to attack any poster personally and question their motives if anyone happened to post anything remotely sharing a view similar to mine or agreeing on any point purely because it agreed with mine and for no other reason and with no other explanation. The posts should be about the topic, not the person which confusedandalone constantly tries to turn it into - specifically me.

    Why? I think he originally took exception to me posting my view that I didn't believe George Zimmerman should be convicted for murder (which the justice system agreed with) and since then he's been determined to follow me round to try and 'retaliate 'and turn everything into a race issue.

  • lisaBObeesa

    Frazzled UBM, wonderful, clear posts on this and last few pages. So glad you posted.

    The posts should be about the topic, not the person which confusedandalone constantly tries to turn it into - specifically me.

    There are also countless posts on this thread about not about the topic but rather about personally attacking confusedandalone and guessing about the motivations of confusedandalone.

    ARe those ok for some reason?

    Why? I think he originally took exception to me posting my view that I didn't believe George Zimmerman should be convicted for murder (which the justice system agreed with) and since then he's been determined to follow me round to try and 'retaliate 'and turn everything into a race issue.

    Like for example the above...

  • confusedandalone

    Gregor you are 70 year old man... you called people goat fucker which is a racial slur. Simon does nothing but defend you. You made multiple insults. Nothing said to you because you agree with him. It's unfair and you know that. Glad to know some of you can call people goatfuckers... I wonder what other things you are allowed to get away with

  • Simon

    confusedandalone: again, you are going off topic again but where have I defended that statement as you claim above?

    This is the sort of thing I am talking about: twisting things and trying to put the words you want to hear into other people's mouths.

    LisaBObeesa: I did not atack confusedandalone, I responded to his attacks of others - slight difference. And I know his motivations.

  • LoveUniHateExams


    I'd like to direct my last post, intended for Frazzled, to you too.

    I'd like a simple acknowledgement that an Islamic 'holy war' is occurring right now. Forget all the crazy, f**ked up sh1t that happened in the past with christianity. Thank you.

  • Billyblobber


    But each faith's scriptures are different. The difference between the NT and the Quran is particularly striking. When christians are persecuted, they take comfort in sentiments such as 'you are no part of the world, like I'm no part of the world', 'turn the other cheek' and 'love your enemies'. When muslims are persecuted, some take comfort in sentiments such as 'slay the infidel'.

    Why can't you acknowledge this?

    I actually did acknowledge part of this...directly, multiple times. Again:

    1) Christianity's scriptures have a slight advantage of (a) being created relatively late, (b) under a political system that more resembled a modern democracy than the rest, and (c) have a built in easy retcon for the Jewish scriptures they include. So in a "how bad are these under modern moral rules," the New Testament wins, taken on its own (even though its saddled with worshipping the same God as the Old Testmanet, and Jesus endorsing Moses' horrible Law as perfect, meaning he's terrible, himself).

    2) Islam and Judaism's scriptures are both almost completely terrible (I personally think the Talmud is worse than the Koran, for what it matters). They were created in different eras in different political systems.

    3) Mainstream/Western Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all hide the worst part of their scriptures under (a) allegory, (b) different "interpretations", and (c) "this was only applicable in this particular place and time" excuses in order to fit in with modern/western society, and to not be completely terrible people. Christianity has a slightly easier time of doing this than the other two, for the above reasons, but they all do it.

    4) Fringe/terrible sects or individuals of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam take more or all of their holy books as entirely literal, and pick and choose which parts they want to use to oppress and hurt people with to fit their personal goals.

    5) Christianity having a slightly easier time of hiding more of it's B.S. under Jesus retconning doesn't make it "better" than Judaism or Islam as a default; as the end result of how a particular sect or person practicies in the end is what matter. As such, the more liberal examples of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are pretty much the same. The same goes for the reverse.

    6) That there are more Muslim sects that practice violence against the world has more to do with the geo-political climate than the book in itself, especially when you take the counter examples or similarly bad religious books (Judaism) into perspective.

    7) Therefore, blanketing all Islam under one broad banner, while separating Christianity into sects, shows that there may be a bit of bias/bigotry involved.

    8) Horrible Christian sects or individuals don't practice nonviolence. They preach hate (and say people are goign to hell), enact violence, bomb things, burn down abortion clinics, etc. You are purposely comparing the best of one to the worst of another...for some reason.

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