Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • Simon

    All religions treat women as second class, all of them

    And that makes them all absolutely equal? Even though the treatment of women is certainly not equal in all religions.

    You wouldn't say that some religions treat women better than others do?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @KateWild - I agree with you that there must by many millions of muslims who just want to get on with life in peace.

    I suppose the point I was trying to make was why do this majority of decent, progressive muslims seemingly accept that these countries govern in this way? Where are the protests and calls for reform, from both British muslims and muslims living in these countries?

    Compare and contrast these perhaps few protests with muslim protests at Israel's bombing of Gaza (correct if Israel goes over the top) and Jyllands Posten (the obscure Danish paper that published cartoons of Muhammad - absolute ridiculousness).

    What do you think?

  • KateWild

    You wouldn't say that some religions treat women better than others do?-Simon

    From experience I can't say that they do, but individual men from all religions treat women better than other men in the same religion. Some non-religious men treat women in an appauling way. So to generalise and say some religions are better than others is something I can't do. Religion is not for me at the moment.

    Kate xx

  • KateWild

    progressive muslims seemingly accept that these countries govern in this way? Where are the protests and calls for reform, from both British muslims and muslims living in these countries?-LUHE


    Just google it and you can find Muslims protesting against their governments. I don't see your point LUHE. There are a lot of extremeists that need to be stopped, but the majority of Muslims are decent people that are victims to their cult.

    Kate xx

  • AlphaMan

    After 60 pages we are right back to the "I know some nice Muslims...therefore Islam is good" stance. No Islam is not good....it is a disease. The history of their Prophet Mohammad and the current atrocities of the religion itself proves it is a disease. The present tense verses it the Koran promote current hate and killing of ALL NON-BELIEVER INFIDELS!!! If moderate Muslims think Islam is bullshit, then they should leave the religion or take the hate & death commands out of the Koran, and make it very clear they are no threat to ANYONE.

  • AlphaMan
  • AlphaMan
  • AlphaMan
  • LoveUniHateExams

    @KateWild - point taken and such protests are a good place to start.

    I'd also like to comment on muslim protests about Israel and the cartoons.

    At the height of Israel's bombing of Gaza a few months ago, there were loud protests from muslims living in Britain and Germany. One muslim man in Britain was captured on film saying that Hitler was a top man and that he agreed with him. Muslims in Germany sang 'Jude, Jude, feiges Schwein, komm heraus und kampf allein' (Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come outside and fight alone). The nature of these protests show both that anti-jew hatred is rife throughout the muslim world (Ummah) and also that this population reacts as one if some muslim somewhere in the world is oppressed, in a way that is different from other religious groups.

    As for the cartoons debacle, do we really need to go into how ridiculous and childish it all was?

    I'm trying to compare the different protests and draw reasonable conclusions as to the nature of the muslim world.

  • KateWild

    I don't see your point AlphaMan?????????????????????

    Radical Muslims need to be dealt with, the above examples are all examples of extremism. The Koran has lots of passages that promote peace too. I don't see your point. Kate xx

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