More Elaborate Celebrations International Conv. Atlanta

by NoMoreHustle 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • millie210

    Im afraid a real Pandoras box has opened for the Society....

    Letting these folks have a taste of joy through music and then what?

    Are they supposed to just fold back up and never yearn for that again?

    Or is this the beginning of "allowing" choirs and music ministry?

    Fornication isnt "ok" because delegates visit. Taking of blood isnt either. So what makes musical extravaganzas ok on this occasion?

    Oh wait! It must have never been "wrong" in the first place.

  • lambsbottom

    This religion has changed soooo much! LOL. It is not the one I grew up in during the 90's!

    Turning more into Mormonism. LOL

    Seriously, I just laughed inside so hard when I watched this video.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Very interesting!

  • Magnum
    LogCon: This sure ain't the religion I was raised in. Fred Franz must be rolling in his grave. I don't think we're in Kansas any more Toto.

    My thoughts, too.

    Millie210, I agree. It does seem that the GB is just feeling its way now trying to find just the right tone, look, and feel for the org to make it attractive & sustainable

    At about 4:04, sissy-boy says “Jehovah just handed this theater to us”. Un-freakin-believable. Well, if his god is concerned about handing them the Buckhead Theater while millions of his creatures, both humans and animals, suffer in horrible ways, then I want no part of his god and consider his god to be petty and heartless. That statement really burns my a$$ up. Being an animal lover, I have sometimes stayed up all night with dying animals. It's a horrible thing to watch a precious kitten having spasms as it approaches death. I have begged and implored Jah for help with tears streaming down my face. And every single time there was no answer. I've had many animals die in my arms. Jah must not be able to help out with such things because he's too busy booking theaters for a bunch of clueless goody-goodies.

    It seems that with the passing of time, JWs become less serious; their sense of urgency seems to diminish. Most of earth's population is about to be wiped out in a mega-cataclysm (according to them), and they're concerned about this kind of stuff???


    At about 4:04, sissy-boy says “Jehovah just handed this theater to us”. Un-freakin-believable.....Magnum

    ...........I Gave The WBT$ JWs The BucketHead Theater............Thank You Jehovah!.....We Get a Theater..

    .....................My Work Is Done.....Time to Relax......................Some 3rd World Kid Dies,It`s All Good!..


    ................................................................................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Nothing like a bit of song and pageantry to soften up the masses for the propaganda.

  • Quandry

    They are all over the place.

    First they got rid of the orchestras at conventions, because that would "take time away from preaching," then piano accompaniment at the K.H.,and made everyone sing to canned music. They didn't want to imitate Christendom, and condemed them for "pagentry" to try and bring in people. Now, they are taking people's time from the all-important ministry to join choirs and play musical instruments?

    It really makes me sick to see it. Nothing is O.K. unless the higher ups in New York say it is, then history is changed.

  • AnnOMaly

    Letting these folks have a taste of joy through music and then what?

    Are they supposed to just fold back up and never yearn for that again?

    Or is this the beginning of "allowing" choirs and music ministry?

    My thoughts exactly. I don't begrudge them this. Their faces were lit up - to be able to express themselves (and their worship) through music, to make otherwise dull and flat 'Kingdom songs' come to life so that they are actually enjoyable to sing/play. But I do feel sad and irritated watching the video because this avenue for musical expression was missing throughout not only my own JW life, but that of my musically talented relatives who had no real outlet within the Org.

    A JW cannot join a decent 'worldly' choir or band/orchestra because of constant conflicts: patriotic songs; Christmas; hymns; if the venue is a church; if the event is on a meeting night; all the time taken for practice which interferes with 'theocratic' pursuits. S/he can realistically only get together with fellow JWs, and all-too-often there is no long-term commitment or continuity - it's on an ad hoc, short term basis. Then there's the attitude that it's self-indulgent, not productive (i.e. not serving the Org's interests), not important, 'you can develop those talents in the new system.'

    Of course, it's too late for me and my family (we've been pursuing our musical interests elsewhere) and it doesn't change the fact the Org. is not 'the Truth' so we're better off out of it, but I'm glad these JWs have had this experience and maybe it's something the Org. will encourage in the future. From a strategic POV, perhaps it'll help retain some more members?

  • 3rdgen

    I have relatives who formed a witness band many years ago. They sang and played soft rock and country music. They performed at Witness gatherings and weddings. In time they developed into a darn good dance band and were hired by local resturaunts and cocktail lounges. About 9 years ago the CO came through and put an end to it. 2 of the members were elders who were given a non-choice choice: Quit the band or loose their position. I wonder how they feel about all of this? I wouldn't know bc they don't talk to me since I've become inactive.

  • ThomasCovenant

    Perhaps I'm alone in thinking this,

    but I resent the happiness that those 'brothers' are getting from this sort of thing.

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