Is The Governing Body Afraid To Slam Muslims???

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy


    Would you . . . COULD you say the Muslims are more easily offended than say . . . THE GOVERNING BODY?

    At least the G.B. wont physically cut your head off on U-Tube.

    Is The Governing Body Afraid To Slam Muslims???

    I would say most definetely , true , christendoms religions are their primary target especially the Catholic church , other religions of christendom hardly get a mention except in a general sense , however the is constantly singled out .

    As has been pointed out previously "The World Empire Of False Religion" as defined by the WT Society /JW`s , embraces all religions other than jehovahs witnesses .

    And they are " deafening" in their silence in speaking out about ISLAM , or saying anything negative about their religion .


  • Godsendconspirator

    A brother in my congregation actually brought that up. He thinks the governing body are afraid of the backlash.

  • ilikecheese

    A JW I know was telling me how great Islam is because it regards Jesus as an important person but not God and they tend to not celebrate birthdays.

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn

    Who wouldn't be afraid? Those people are nuts on steroids!

    Lately, though, the Org is quite politically correct when bunching all other religions under 'Christendom' or just 'false religion'; very smart on their part indeed.

    New here. Enjoyed lurking much for years. Intro later, when appropriate avatar found.

  • Vidiot

    prologos - " approach their door under the WT premise 'we are right and you need to change to---' is offensive to the Islamic mind."

    Not just the Islamic mind.

    Gustv Cintrn - "Lately, though, the Org is quite politically correct when bunching all other religions under 'Christendom' or just 'false religion'..."

    It's not recent; they've been doing it for decades.

  • Terry

    If you compare the Koran (not the Hadiths) against the Bible, I'd prefer the Koran for its attitude toward women

    and its description of Jesus. Islam is a modern day equivalent of historical Judaism as practiced in the time of Moses.

    Christianity with even its most fervent fanatic can't even stand in the shade of a Muslim's devotion.

    NOT THAT ANY OF THAT IS GOOD, mind you!!

    As to the Topc Question: Yes--certainly the Watchtower had their liver's go all white when the Trade Center was taken out.

    They saw themselves in a very clear and present danger and the desire to maintain a very low target profile probably

    made them extremely paranoid.

    Judge Rutherford took the piss out of everybody. Compared to him, today's GB is a velvet pussycat; declawed and spay.

  • minimus

    Yeah, too bad Rutherford isn't around. if he was around, JWs wouldn't be.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Recent reports of 'stoning' to death of Muslims (mostly women) probaly relieves the GB a little for the their stance on shunning which is 'spiritual' stoning. How could yhwh ever ask another human to stone to death their fellow man? Simple--man invented yhwh to do the dirty work for them.

    Ever witness a litteral stoning? Gruesome slow death? Don't that draw you closer to yhwh?

    just saying


  • SonoftheTrinity

    Scientology=Buddhism without Buddha

    Comptean Positivism=Catholicism without Christ

    JW=Islam without Muhammad

  • minimus

    The watchtower has talked against communism and politics but they hardly ever talk poorly about the Muslim way of life. They speak against the martial arts, anything not JW ...but not against the Muslim faith. Hmmmm

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