Is The Governing Body Afraid To Slam Muslims???

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    No, my JW relative thinks highly of most Muslams becuase they deny the Trinity.

  • steve2

    Would you publically slam a group that has attracted in recent years people who consider it their divine right to seek retribution against any perceived insult to Islam? I'd say any normal response would be to give considered thought to what you intend to say - in public and as an identifiable spokesperson for an identifiable group. And not say it. It may not be you who "pays" but someone else affiliated with you.

    The other side is equally sobering: Some targets are ridiculously easy prey for criticism. Every man and his dog takes potsots against the dear old Pope and His Followers. And JWs themselves are often the butt of jokes. The most I'd expect a JW to do to me if I criticized their religion is dart me black looks. and disappear from my presence. Oh, how wounding!

  • prologos

    I suspect there really should be an unofficial do not call list for the Muslim dwellings in the territory, because the simple fact to approach their door under the WT premise, "we are right and you need to change to---" is offensive to the Islamic mind.

    They have a do not call list for countries already.

  • Paris

    Skeeter1- So how do your relatives feel about Mormons ? Mormons do not believe in the Trinity.

    And do they like Oneness Pentecostalism ? They also do not believe in the Trinity . How about Members Church of God International ? They do not believe in the Trinity. Tagalog Church of Christ does not believe in the Trinity. So does this mean they are also beloved by your relatives?

    Many Quakers do not believe in the Trinity either. Do your JW relatives even know that the so called "special knowledge" of the WT is borrowed from William Miller ? Seventh Day Adventists do not believe in Hellfire and neither do many other groups. Uniitarians do not believe in the Trinity or Hell. So are these groups then all acceptable to your JW relatives ? And the BONUS would be, none of the above named anti-Trinitarians, will cut off your head. Oh and don't forget the Jews, they do not believe in the Trinity, and they also will not cut off your head.

  • Paris

    Moving the GB table away from the window? Seriously ? Don't they think a determined individual or group could determine the cordinates of Warwick, and its posted schedules, and Drone these guys off the face of the Planet ? Again, they overestimate their own importance.

  • blondie

    The WTS believes that Christendom is more reprehensible than non-Christian religions in the falsehoods they teach. They should know better are say they represent that God of the NT and that the RC is the most reprehensible of Christian religions.

    *** w04 11/15 p. 19 par. 20 Jehovah’s Judgment Will Come Against the Wicked ***

    Second, the execution of divine judgment upon the apostate kingdom of Israel makes it certain that God will bring destruction upon Christendom, the most reprehensible part of “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion.—Revelation 18:2.

    *** w10 9/15 p. 28 par. 13 Our Active Leader Today ***

    Christ’s “presence” since 1914 has gone unnoticed by most of earth’s inhabitants. (2 Pet. 3:3, 4) Soon, however, he will make his presence manifest by executing Jehovah’s judgments on the various elements of Satan’s system of things. The destruction of “the man of lawlessness,” the clergy of Christendom, will be an unmistakable “manifestation of his presence.” (Read 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 8.) It will furnish concrete proof that Christ has moved into action as Jehovah’s appointed Judge. (Read 2 Timothy 4:1.) The annihilation of the most reprehensible part of Babylon the Great will serve as a prelude to the total destruction of that wicked world empire of false religion.


    LOL @ Awatcher!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

    The WTBTS is running the long con. You don't get property in Mexico if you say you are a religious organization. Are you picking up what I'm laying down??


  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    The religion with the most gods is Mormonism actually.

    The GB will not speak against Islam as much because it is much closer to their own theology compared to Catholicism

  • factfinder


    the gb still holds their meetings in Brooklyn and at the WEC.

    Warwick will not be completed until sometime in 2017.

    My relatives don't believe in the trinity either, or Jesus! LOL!

    I think the gb are afraid to speak out against Islam.

    if I could destroy any religion I wanted, and could pick only 1, islam is what I would pick.

  • BucketShopBill

    Min, in "ISOCF" did Ray Franz jr cover this topic? Rutherford made a deal with Colonial Countries in Islamic Countries, Right? Watchtower promised to only bash Catholics, Christians and other Non-Islamic Religions because they are so courageous! Did you get the same drift from Ray Franz's exposure of this Cults Cowardice?

    Steve, you know what happened to JWs in Poland (all Eastern Block and Greece) The Orthodox Church Countries Right? What's the difference, JW History claims JWs were killed by Orthodox and Catholic Mobs for bashing their religion, why be soft on Islam? The Watchtower sent the German Witnessses to the Death Camps, Russian Witnesses to the Gulag, Chinese to Work Camp-Re-Education-Jail, so why be soft on Islam? Maybe the Watchtower can appeal to God to stop all the violence since God is speaking through them, right?

    Blondie, that's true! The Watchtower feels all Christians are under greater obligation to tell the truth, be honest with teachings and avoid False Prophecy. Will the Watchtower start attacking itself for it's wrong teachings and false prophecies? Good point Blondie, the Watchtower Readers are very Passive, taking the time to understand what the Authors of these articles are saying would cause many thinking JWs to short-circuit because the Watchtower is guilty of Killing in a Spiritual Sense many innocent Witnesses and Ex Witnesses.

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