Question: Is JW religion the most attacked one?

by Da.Furious 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Da.Furious

    I was having a chat with an elder and couple of friends regarding apostates and how to protect ourselves and funnily how to identify them!

    During the discussion the elder mentioned: Jehovah's witnesses is most attacked religion in the world. There are no other religions that are under the spotlight. There are thousands of Apostate website attacking the religion; all other religions are against them. This is a proof we are the only true religion because no one wants us to declare the good news and expose the false teaching.

    This got me thinking, is it true that JWs as a religion (not WTS enterprise) is the most attacked religion due to their believes and the only one that has thousands of apostates (or apostate material) trying to expose bad teachings or doctrines?

    I would really appreciate your comments on this matter and if anyone had some research done on this topic if you can share it with me that will very much appreciated.

    Da Furious

  • designs

    Radical Wahabi Islam (ISIS et al) is the most discussed religion in the world. During the Cold War JWs were in the spot light in Communist countires and in the West for their anti-government statements.

    Evangelicals still like to debate and convert JWs and LDS, sort of a feather in their cap if they grab one.

    At 7-8 million members they just don't have any influence in the world.

  • Phizzy

    There are loads of websites from ex-LDS (Mormon) church members, attacking the church, so JW's are not alone in this. I daresay other cults like the SDA's have their "awake" ex-members having their say on-line too.

    JW's the most attacked ? nah the Catholic Church beats them in that one, as in most things.

    It must feel strange to the JW's to be under attack, as they are, so they claim it is because they have the truth, LOL

    The simple answer is usually the best, and the answer as to why they are attacked is that they deserve to be, for all the reasons we on JWN know.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    "All other religions are against them".....I thought that it was the JW's who stated that every other religion is evil and a part of Babylon the Great. I don't think that JW/WT would like to have friendly relationships to other religions.

    What about critisism of religion...I have nerver seen Christoffer Hitchens or Richard Dawkins being specific towards JW in their critisism of cristianity/religion.

  • Phizzy

    Both Hich, may he R.I.P, and Dawkins have made passing mention of JW's, but that is because both were well informed about all sorts of arcane matters.

    Really, JW's are such an insignificant little cult that most people know nothing much about them, and don't want to know, so are hardly likely to "attack" them.

    With the stand-offishness they give to normal people, the keeping out of politics and any good works, the vitriolic things they have written about other religions, and their general out and out weirdness, it is no surprise they are not flavour of the month with anybody.

  • punkofnice

    During the discussion the elder mentioned: Jehovah's witnesses is most attacked religion in the world. There are no other religions that are under the spotlight. There are thousands of Apostate website attacking the religion; all other religions are against them. This is a proof we are the only true religion because no one wants us to declare the good news and expose the false teaching.

    This is the propaganda method the WBT$ uses to make the R&F feel special. Is it any wonder he said this? If he'd said that Islam is under more attack then it would make the WBT$ look like it isn't the one true religion.

    How sad. He will have said this with no evidence or stats to prove it.

  • jwfacts

    JWs experience very little in the way of persecution. A few negative websites hardly constitute persecution. I get emails from JWs asking why I am persecuting them, simply for having a site. I don't promote it to JWs, and on it there is no call to action against JWs, so it is clutching at straws to claim it as persecution, but they have to because there is very little else that happens to JWs these days could be classified as persecution.

    Perscution of other religions is far worse in some areas. There are scores of religions whose members are being killed each year. Just look at the wars in recent past in Ireland where Catholics and Protestants have been killing each other, or the what is happening in the Middle East, between Muslims, or Muslims and Christians. Or Jews and Muslims.

    Falun Gong is a peaceful religion from China that has been banned and thousands have died for their beliefs over the last 30 years.

    Christians are persecuted around the world. See that lists the countries where Christians by the millions are suffering for what they believe.

    JWs are an insular group totally removed from the reality of what is going on around them, and have developed their own persecution complex.

  • Da.Furious

    @punkofnice: How do you expect anyone, including me, to provide stats if everything in mentioned in the magazines is not sourced! People just repeat what is written and then believe this as the only truth and anything else, even if backed by stats and research as lies.

    I totally agree that by attacking all other religion, JWs/WTS, alienated themselves from everyone.

    As design mentioned, at 8million they are minority and would feel if everybody is against them.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Suggest to them: Google 'hell' or 'loving god hell'. For me, that is probably the most debunked, attacked and mocked Christian doctrine of all.
    Mostly all of the general atheist Youtube videos, from what I've seen, refer to hell rather than any Armageddon.
    And, just think, it's 'Christendom' that spread that fear of 'the Lord' and hellfire throughout the earth whilst Jehovah was on a nearly 1800 year tea-break from telling anybody anything. (!)

    All of the hatred, attacks and vitriol towards the Christian religion, as expressed for nearly 1800 years, (from when Revelation was supposedly completed up until the first Watchtower produced) was not built up by a little sect that didn't even exist.
    Even on purely theological grounds, the internet is full of articles debunking Jesus as God, and the hellfire teaching itself.. Not about JW's, who teach neither of them.

    Even if JW's were universally hated by all non-Christians today, they'd still have a helluva lot of catching up to do.

  • Ancientofdays

    During the discussion the elder mentioned: Jehovah's witnesses is most attacked religion in the world

    The above is an elder's bullshit !

    I recently have seen a report (on paper) which listed all the country around the world where Christians are under persecution, a real persecution where their life in on danger (not apostates bla , bla, bla).
    Then I've gone on the annual report to check how many "Christians" JWs are there in those countries.
    In none of the following countries , where Christians are risking their life, the JWs are under persecution. That's for sure, you know why ? because no JWs exists there ..:

    Afghanistan --> none JWs
    Iraq --> none JWs
    Algery --> none JWs
    Egypt --> none JWs
    Libia --> none JWs
    Oman --> none JWs
    Barhein --> none JWs
    Saudi Arabia --> none JWs
    Somalia --> none JWs
    Tagykistan --> none JWs
    North Korea --> none JWs
    Vietnam --> none JWs
    Laos --> none JWs
    Brunei --> none JWs

    These countries have some JWs, not too much indeed , excluding Nigeria.
    Myanmar--> 3857 JWs
    Indhonesia --> 24000 JWs
    Malaysia --> 4650 JWs
    India --> 37913 JWs
    Pakistan --> 918 JWs
    Kenya --> 26000 JWs
    Etipopia --> 9649 JWs
    Sudan --> 4270 JWs
    Nigeria --> 351000 JWs
    Turkey --> 2366 JWs
    Kazakistan ---> 17.000 JWs

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