How do you think we'll be remembered?

by rebel8 19 Replies latest jw friends


    Those who oppose Jehovah, if they are remembered at all, will be remembered with disgust.....awatcher

    In Watchtower World.....Jehovah = Watchtower

    The Watchtower Reputation is So Bad in the Real World..

    The WBT$ is reBranding to JW.ORG..

    It`s only taken the WBT$ 2 years..


    ..................To Turn JW.ORG Into The New..

    ...........................WBT$ Golden Calf..

     photo 07d93296-718a-4a39-ba86-56567399136b_zps3750aafe.png

    .................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    The ONLY reason JW's think they are the best religion is because their abusive 'mother' TELLS them that.

    "Mother",, controls and restricts by abuse.

    In the real world, people walk around dog poo , and forget about it the same instant.

    I would like to think, somewhere in time, those who oppose and get out of will be touted as the courageous and strong minded ones.

    That I am out and free and old friends are still caught up and inside is so sad.


  • Phizzy

    Band on the Run expressed it very well, already the dying religion of JW.Org is a very minor, if irritating, religion.

    As they gradually wither and die, they may possibly get a passing mention in a few articles on such phenomena, as did the last Shaker.

    That does not mean any effort we put into to expose what it is, a money-making Scam, is to be looked upon as wasted, no, if we help just a few to escape its clutches and live real and fulfilling lives, History may not recognise us, but we are Heroes !

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Anne Marbury Hutchinson, baptized 1591, in Alford, Lincolnshire, England, married and with children, came to the New World in 1634, as a Puritan spiritual adviser, to fight for greater religious freedom.

    She accomplished a lot, before being killed by the local Indians in 1643 at her farm in Pelham Bay, New York.

    For her gallantry, and her firm stand on challenging the authority of religious ministers and also not believing women had to be subservient to their husbands, but be partners instead, in 1922, a statue of herself and her daughter, Susannah, was erected in her honor, on the state grounds, in Boston, Massachusetts. There is a plaque that reads, she was a "Courageous Exponet of Civil Liberty and Religious Toleration".

    Partly, because of Anne's standing up for what was right, her descendants and all of America, live in religious freedom, to choose which religion one wants to participate in, or not.

    It took Anne, 279 years to be recognized with a statue for her outspokenness in regards to religious freedom.

    Jehovah's Witnesses,, are such little peanuts. When their door knocking and rolly carts disappear, most people will just heave a sigh of relief. Most of the world just wants them to go away.

    I wish there was some thought to the walking wounded. This site, JWN, Barbara Anderson and SilentLambs , plus many others, are trying to get the word out.

    I can not offer a statue or any recognition to any who woke up before me, and I don't know how leaving will get anyone into the history books. But when I post, I hope I can reach someone's heart and help them realize, is just a man made up business.


    PS I hope, in the future, America, the Land of Freedom, will tweek a law, that says, yes, you can have a religious organization, but the people of the United States of America, will have the freedom, to walk away from it, WITHOUT ANY REPERCUSSIONS.

    LoisLane and 3 gold stars

  • rebel8

    Ok, so let's compare this to women's rights in the United States. This directly affects >half our country's population.These things were accomplished by advocates.

    How much do you remember? Don't cheat.

    In what year did it become legal for women to practice medicine, and what was the name of the first woman to receive a medical degree?

    When was the 19th Amendment passed, giving women the right to vote? Name a few women who voted before that in protest, and explain what happened to them.

    Which happened first, a woman running for President or women getting the right to vote?

    In what year was birth control information declassified as obscene?

    In what year did the Equal Rights Amendment pass?

    In what year did it become legal to sell a single woman The Pill for the purpose of birth control? Name an advocate for it.

    When could women apply for credit cards?

    When was marital rape regarded as a crime?

    When could women own property aside from their husbands?

    My point is...these things happened more recently than you'd think. Have we already forgotten? Do we just take it all for granted if it didn't happen to us personally? Is that human nature?

  • Balaamsass2

    Unless we accomplish something great individually, we won't be remembered.

    How many Puritans, Shakers, Pilgrims or Millerites have any of us met? How about the apostates or heritics who caused the eventual demise of these groups?

    Unless the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses gets crazier than they have the last few years and go the route of Jim Jones, Warren Jeffs, or David Korsh...even they will be a historical footnote like Miller and the "Great Disappointment" of 1844.,28804,2072678_2072683_2072682,00.html

  • stuckinarut2

    I want a tshirt with that picture on it Outlaw!

    Or a tie! You could sell them on ebay! would make a fortune!

    I could wear it at the "international boasting session"! (convention)

  • BucketShopBill

    Outlaw, that's awesome! May I print a copy and count it as serving God by placing it where JWs place their literature?

    I think JWN will be remembered as the cannon that kept firing balls of truth, bombarding the Watchtower with truth until all it's holes were obvious to any thinking person.

    We need to focus on the "Expiration Date" of the Watchtower's religion, if we can start a parody or spoof with all outside members putting up bumperstickers and code bars.




  • Fernando


    "I think JWN will be remembered as the cannon that kept firing balls of truth, bombarding the Watchtower with truth until all it's holes were obvious to any thinking person."

  • Perry-Zephyr

    As a whole, we will be remembered. However: that is less important that Jehovah's day being indelibly etched into history. Many 1st Century Christians who were a part of the little flock are remembered as a whole. Few like Paul, Peter, Dorcas, Rhoda, John-Mark, and Cornelious are individually remembered. Their accounts are lessons and warnings for us. Think of the Proclaimer's publication. There are many experiences of accounts from our brothers and sisters. Yet, more who are not noted. It is all a part of service to Jehovah.

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