Ministy School - Endless, without graduation - How could we?

by 4thgen 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • prologos

    Wt thinking is that you never surpass your teacher. remember the "What Does The Bible Really Teach" book illustration of the Nerd Kid challenging the old teacher in front of the black board? Satan vs Jehovah?.

    The school curriculum of course is mind control material from A-Z.

  • suavojr

    DD SAID:

    Surpassing your instructors by learning to reason, as opposed to reciting the lesson, is haughtiness and apostasy.

    That is so true! About a year ago I had to give the bible highlights on Romans chapters 1 to 3 during the CO visit. Boy did I get in trouble for explaining how Paul's letter to the Romans woke Martin Luther from his spiritual slumber and caused a fire and a headache for the corrupt Vatican.

    He said to the BOE that we should go straight to the point, don’t explain and just talk about a highlight found in our publications. I wonder why?

  • Apognophos

    We had a really good school overseer for a number of years, a brother who was highly placed at Bethel. I definitely learned from him. Since then, I've been appalled by just about every overseer I've seen.

    I was recently counseled to work on my "pronounciation" by one. By the way, my pronunciation is extremely precise because I've been working on it since elementary school. There's plenty to criticize in my talks, but my command of English is not one of those things.

    I think sometimes that the overseer just isn't paying attention and then picks random things to give counsel on. I believe I was once given a 'W' for gesturing because the overseer was looking down at his material half of the time and didn't see my frequent gestures.

  • DocHouse

    The Ministy School USED to train us to be excellent speakers; it has now beeen warped to turn us into Readers....

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    @Dagney. What an excellent comment. lol


    We had one MSO with a Masters degree. lol He liked to council like he was a Professor and tearing apart all talks was constructive criticism. lol He didn't last too long. Everybody complained. lol

  • 4thgen

    Thanks all! I guess we not alone.... Prologos Loved the point: "The "school" is also about power over you, that is why you never graduate. they have eternal power over you."

  • prologos

    I used 'eternal' only in the wt delusional sense. Many here would rather wither away than keep groveling for parts and endure the endless droning deliveries.

  • Apognophos

    I have to just briefly revisit my little anecdote from earlier, and ask you guys if you really think you could have kept a straight face if a school overseer told you face-to-face to work on "pronounciation". Because I'm going to boast a bit here, I somehow managed not to have much of an external reaction, but it took some effort. I just kept a polite smile on my face while thinking at him, "I really couldn't care less what you're saying right now, you bozo. I'm so fading the hell out of here before my brains turn to mush."

    I just wish he said it from the podium so others could have heard it.

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