Is Sex Just Sex, or is Sex making love?

by butalbee 25 Replies latest social relationships

  • Skeptic

    Love and sex are different, but if you truly love your marriage mate, you will use sex to express that love.

    Denying your partner sex is a serious sign of trouble, and means you dont love them.

    Long ago, I found that non-sexual expressions of endearment and love could not express the deep love for Windrider that I have. Lovemaking did allow me to convey to her my deep love for her, and for me to feel her deep love for me.

    Our love deepened wven further, to the extent that lovemaking could not even espress that deeper depth. Then we found a way of expressing that deeper love yet even more; a way of lovemaking that is so very deep that it is spiritual.

    Words cannot convey the depth of love I feel for Windrider and how it deepens every day. She is my soulmate, my best friend, the most wonderful lover and fiance, and she is my everything. I wish I could find the words to tell her that. The physical separation we must endure now does not allow lovemaking, and it is so hard not to have a way of telling her how much I truly love her and need her forever.


  • Xena

    There are different kinds of sex..sometimes you just wanna get laid..some times you want to make a connection with someone special...and some times you just wanna have some fun with it...and you can do them all with the same person.

    When you love someone sex can take on a special depth....or it can just be fun..depends on both your moods.

    Sex with friends can be nice commitment just two (or more )people enjoying each other...

    Very diverse thing sex

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    Xena says:

    Sex with friends can be nice commitment just two people enjoying each other...

    Ok girls, when are we having an all girl aposta-slumber-fest? HMMMM?

    boys invited too of course


  • Xena

    LOL Anne did you notice I went back and edited that to OR MORE FRIENDS

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    hmmm, I see that, so when's the party?

    Maybe Harmony could have it being in Minneapolis, an easy destination for everyone to go to. We could hang out at Mall of America in the day and hit the clubs at night.

    just thinking...


  • LB

    butal if I were you ex I'd try to convince you that sex is just sex too.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Richard, you wrote.....

    The physical separation we must endure now does not allow lovemaking, and it is so hard not to have a way of telling her how much I truly love her and need her forever.

    If you don't mind, may I ask why you are physically separated from your wife? Or did I misunderstand that!
    I'm sorry if that's your situation. You have such a deep love for your wife. You sound like my husband. Your post almost made me feel bad. I don't think I've ever felt that way about ANYBODY.....not too that degree. Maybe it's me. Maybe that's sad. I donno. I'm sure it's because of my screwed up relationship with my father!
    I've just never had that kind of undying love for anyone.....maybe a unhealthly, fatal attraction kind of lust, but naaaaa, no deep deep would die for you kind of love. Sorry, just being honest! I've never had children, that may have something to do with it too....I don't think you really know love, until you have a child.

  • WindRider

    Skeptic, I hope you know how much I love you and while I know being apart has created problems for us....please know that you are in my heart and a part of my soul...and each day, no matter where i am, I carry a part of you with me. That will never change.

    I hope I will always be your Jade, and you know what that means to me....i hope it still means the same to you. The new course our lives have taken, together and seperately, is a good one and one that like you said, will only bring us to a deeper level of love, trust and sexual expression of our love. You are my One and i am your Jade.

    I can honestly say that while i have had sex before and sex and lust have their place....with you it has always been making love.

    I love you Sir,
    your pet, robin

  • Skeptic

    Windrider, my precious pet,

    You will always be my Jade, that will never be gone. My heart is yours forever. Each day, my love for you grows and my appreciation for you deepens.

    Whenever we have sex, it is always lovemaking. From the most tender caresses to the most primal, wild, animalistic f*cking like two animals in heat until we are completely exhausted, are all lovemaking.

    Our lovemaking is often wild, kinky and very primal, but it always expresses our deep and abiding love for each other. And the beauty of it is that it is only limited by our imagination. We will spend eternity discover new and primal ways of expressing our love. This has given our love a spiritual depth that few can appreciate.

    Ah, to have you in my arms and my bed again! To do so many positions and techniques that we surprise ourselves with ways we never thought possible before! To be so hot, wet, lusting, loving and primal and then to collaspe from exhaustion into each others arms, cooing tenderly over each other, our hearts singing as one.

    I love you so much, baby girl.

    Your Master Foever,
    Master Richard

  • peaceloveharmony

    well mpls is beautiful in the summer....


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