Gerrit Losch talks to poor South Americans about Materialism while wearing THREE (3) gold rings and 2 gold cuff links...

by Calebs Airplane 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    I once knew a brother and in a simple conversation I mentioned a CO that I really appreciated. The brother almost choked. He became upset and agitated. This was something I had absolutely never seen in this man who was typically calm and collected. I said, "It looks like I struck a nerve." He said, "you sure did! That guy had the gall to tell me that my business was making me materialistic. My wife and two daughters were both pioneers. He sat there waving his hand with the diamond encrusted pinky ring and several other gold rings in my face. Hypocrite!" I said, "who wears a pinky ring anyway?"

    The ring on Loesch's middle finger looks like a signet ring....royalty? Pressing hot wax to seal his letters? Decoder ring? Green lantern maybe?

  • Balaamsass2

    The governing body( Octapope/sextapope) has made great strides in emulating the hated Catholic church since the mid 80s. Changed the baptisim, fired Holy spirit, CT Russel, and moving Jesus to the back door. Child molestation. Creature worship. They do have a way to go with the jewelry though.

  • opusdei1972

    Gerrit Losch has told again his stupid past analogy, namely, in the same way that you would not recomend a shot in your head we must not recomend university studies. But now he added that surviving university studies is like surviving after swimming a sea with sharks.

    This GB member is one of the most hypocrites, because he and his stupid friends use lawers graduated in universities to defend their asses.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    1) The time left before the end is reduced.

    I like that one!

    The time left 45 years ago was also "reduced"; "reduced" enough to allow sufficient time for:

    - These jerks to prevent me from going to university.

    - These same prize acts to get me to abandon my apprenticeship.

    - Me to later resume that same apprenticeship, and complete it in a related trade.

    - My entering into engineering studies as a mature age student, and set for graduating in mid-2015 , with an Advanced Diploma.

    Gormless Gerrit, you could at least come up with something (just a little) original. Mate, if your brains consisted of nothing more than dynamite, I doubt if there would be enough there to even blow your bloody nose!


  • avaddohn94

    They're all the same!



    Best regards!


  • Quarterback

    Da...don't get an education.

    Da...don't travel abroad, and get a better paying job.

    Da....stay at home and make a Volks Wagon...a good german automobile...Far-Fig-Nugent.

  • bobert

    Maybe even a golden watch hiding in there somewhere :l

  • Finkelstein

    Gerrit Losch is just another asshole doing what he's supposed to do and that is to create supporting propaganda for the Watchtower

    publishing house, he is in reality a executive directer of the that religious organization as its known.

    Are there moments of abstract stupidity coming form these men ( GB ) of course, there was in the past and there's going to be more in the future.

    Why ?

    Because they themselves have been mentally indoctrinated by this organization to support it at all costs.


  • SuperBoy

    Remember, it's not materialism if you can afford it! Only if you try to work towards affording it.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    SuperBoy... where on earth did you hear that incredibly infantile and ridiculous definition of materialism?

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