Why is the world full of ATHEISTS?

by exWTslave 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exWTslave

    Bible describes atheism as a condition of “the heart” and is all about seeking what is ephemeral, not acting “with insight.” (Psalm 14:1, 2) Thus it rightly says the “whole world is lying” in the attraction of what is ephemeral. (“wicked one” is not a correct translation.—1 John 5:19) Thus even believers who pray to God (for material blessings) are actually atheists as they are not trying to be “poor in spirit.” (Mathew 5:3; Luke 6:24)

    Why is world full of atheists? According to Eastern perspective, people stumbled on the very help (physical world) given to mankind. Sages say the physical world is our Teacher, hence they coined the word jagatguru. (jagat is made of first letters of three Sanskrit words which mean—come, remain, and disappear) Thus the physical world teaches that what it has is LIMITED and can only satisfy our needs temporarily. Sages put it in simple terms: Our body is made of solids, liquids, heat-circulation, air-circulation and space they all occupy, hence is exact representation of the physical world. Soul is composed of spirit qualities (Galatians 5:22), hence is exact representation of the Supreme Soul. Hence we are like a jewellery box (jewellery is more important than its container); physical world is for the LIMITED enjoyment and spirit qualities are for UNLIMITED enjoyment.

    The above-mentioned FIVE elements (that make our physical bodies and the physical world) have their emergent properties or corresponding FIVE sensations: Smell, Taste, Light, Sound and Pressure (or touch). And there are FIVE corresponding sense-organs in living beings to experience them: Nose, Tongue, Eyes, Ears and Skin. Thus living beings are generally divided into FIVE categories:

    ONE-SENSED Plants able to feel pressure through their skin;

    TWO-SENSED Worms able to feel pressure through their skin and taste through their tongue;

    THREE-SENSED Insects able to feel pressure, taste, and smell through their skin, tongue and nose respectively;

    FOUR-SENSED Reptiles able to feel pressure, taste, smell and sight through their skin, tongue, nose and eyes respectively; and

    FIVE-SENSED Birds & Animals able to feel pressure, taste, smell, sight and sound through their skin, tongue, nose, eyes and ears respectively.

    If one changes the priority, thus tries for full enjoyment from the physical world and gives less importance to displaying spirit qualities, it will be like “nectar in the beginning, but will become poison in the end.” For example, if one crosses the limit with regard to the use of his tongue and become careless about WHAT to eat, WHEN to eat, HOW MUCH to each and HOW to eat, it will ultimately damage his vital organs and invite diseases. So are the cases with the use of other sense organs.

    The physical world with all its variety in varying degrees is to teach us about its own limitedness thus to turn us towards going for unlimited enjoyment of spirit qualities. Evolutionist (and materialists) stumbled over this Great Guru called physical world when they saw the five broad categories of living beings and theorized that from space originated ONE-SENSED beings which in turn evolved into TWO-SENSED beings … and finally into FIVE-SENSED beings! People began to put to UNLIMITED use what is meant for LIMITED USE, and reached the present condition!

    What is the solution? One can only change himself, not the other person or the world. (That is why all those who tried to change the world were shaved off from the surface of the earth. God did not prevent it because world serves a purpose—it is like a school, or like a bridge for us to pass through, taking lessons). If one resolves to put the sense organs for LIMITED enjoyment, and spirit qualities for his UNLIMITED use, he can enjoy the life!

  • exWTslave

    Some may ask: Why are children born with disabilities, why natural calamities .....?

    These questions have CORRECT answeres given by victims of such things when they were subjected to PAST REGRESSION THERAPY, and their testimonies have been recorded in the book called DESTINY OF SOULS, written by a former atheist Dr. Michael Newton who has over 70,000 case histories. You can even try other P R Therapists also. Combined cases run into millions!

  • Mikado

    I'll have some of what you're smoking....

  • exWTslave


    That's the spirit the world is in need of. Thank you Mikado! Beware you are an ENDANGERED SPECIES.

  • Qcmbr

    The 'sages' were making it up as usual hence the tripe above. The scientific method is the first time humanity has approached the aquisition of knowledge in a structured and rational way. This accumulation of peer reviewed and tested knowledge reveals a better model of reality than all the mystic, psycho babble of spirit based philosophy. A good example is the categorisation of more than five senses that immediately makes the OP irrelevant. As for the question of atheists I would ask why there are no digitally recorded manifestations of gods? You'd think one at least would grab the opportunities afforded by youtube. When people can freely share information and can examine their beliefs critically the cultural belief in magic is revealed as pious fraud. You may be onto something with cranial voids filled with air for those who reject reality and persist with woo.

  • Viviane

    Soul is composed of spirit qualities (Galatians 5:22), hence is exact representation of the Supreme Soul.

    If you to know why there are atheists, it's at least in part because of comments like this. What is this spirit stuff made of? Thus far, no one can say, hardly anyone can agree yet all who claim it's existence confidently proclaim they are right when they fail to describe what it's comprised of.

    It's obvious mumbo jumbo word juggling.

  • exWTslave


    It seems you got it wrongly. Article is not about what you assume. Try the spirit qualities, and see what difference it would make in your life.

    Nobody will blame you if you put to unlimited use the qualities such as love, peace ...... and nobody will accuse you of being " onto something with cranial voids filled with air for those who reject reality and persist with woo."

  • Mikado

    you are actually quoting the bible to somehow ask why there the world is full of atheists?

    FIRSTLY, it isn't.

    SECONDLY, why do you imagine it to be a negative thing... after all, religion has been nothing but a source of joy and beauty in the world, right????

    THIRDLY, this of us who are lucky enough to live in the developed world now have access to better education and the safety after thousands of years to actually express their opinions in safety.

    it woukd be a far more valid question to ask is why many people choose to believe in an indivisible spirit god with no evidence at all.

  • Qcmbr

    Why do we not recognise mankind's repeated ability to fool itself into believing when nothing is there. Entire civilisations have come and gone devoted to imaginary gods and still we sink vast resources and waste intellect on chasing the current gods that are also false. The christians have hundreds of versions of the old hebrew god who himself is an amalgamation of older gods and yet every single one is adamant that they have it right and god talks to them. Its adult playtime and they're all blithering idiots.

  • exWTslave


    Spirit or "soul is intelligent light energy. This energy appears to function as vibrational waves (similar to electromagnetic force but without the limitations of charged particles of matter). Soul energy does not appear to be uniform. Like a finger-print, each soul has a UNIQUE identity in its formation, composition and vibrational distribution." DESTINY OF SOULS, page 85, writter by a former Atheist Dr. Micheal Newton

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