pros and cons of anti depessants?

by Crazyguy 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I had major anxiety problems. It felt like depression. I took a month's course of Clonazepam as needed. It helped me get a good night's sleep. After that I addressed my anxiety. Clonazepam helped me feel calm and in control. I haven't needed it since. But I will not hesitate to use it again if I can't pull it together.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    I usually post a lot of bad jokes on this board, but i'm going to be 100000% serious here. I hope no one takes offense at this.

    DO NOT LISTEN TO ANY MEDICAL ADVICE IN THIS THREAD. Go see a mental health specialist. Find one that you click with.

  • zeb

    Survivor as well. and you have a pm.

  • FlyingHighNow

    DO NOT LISTEN TO ANY MEDICAL ADVICE IN THIS THREAD. Go see a mental health specialist.

    Except of course the advice to take this up with your doctor or medical team. You can, however, benefit from reading about the experiences of others.

  • objectivetruth

    First off, my suggestion is do NOT Trust Psychiatrists.. Many Many times they are simply Glorified Drug Dealers.

    They will give you a Generic set of questions, and essentially check Yes/No Boxes.. At the end of this they will Decide, Depression/Bi-Polar-OCD-Anxiety-etc,etc,etc.

    They will then most likely prescribe you Zoloft or Prozac, these 2 Drugs are Great for Anxiety & Nervousness, think Alcohol with no Intoxication. They take away your Inhibitions and you just don't care anymore.

    These 2 Drugs, may put you through a Roller Coaster for the first 3 weeks or so.. You may start crying for absolutely no reason, or you might have extreme anger one day for no apparant reason, or you might get odd tingling sensations through out your body. It is a Really Odd experience, and they may make you feel ways that you cannot even explain.

    SSRI medications do work for some people, however if I had my guess I would say these cases are rare..

    Personally I would not recommend Anti-Deprassants, and I would suggest running if they try and Prescribe you any type of Benzo's.. There are 2 Alternatives, that have been found to be equally if not more effective.

    The First alternative is Regular Exercise. SSRI Medication recycles Seratonin, where Exercise helps to Naturally create new Seratonin.

    The Second Alternative is CBT (Cognitive Behavorial Therapy) This is a Systematic Therapy process that in a sense rewires your Brain. This is not to be Confused with a Psychologost asking you "How do you feel" CBT is a Method that is often effective in curing people of Extreme Phobias.. It really works well.

    I've spent almost as much time studying Pharmaceuticals and Psychology as I have the Watchtower, and If I can provide any more information, feel free to PM me and I'll do all that I can to help you figure this out. Hang In There!

  • LisaRose


    Well the OP was asking for the pros and cons, what else were we supposed to do but give our experiences with anti depressants? Of course he should consult a doctor, how else would you get anti depressants anyway? Unfortunately, many doctors are far too quick to prescribe anti depressants, there are downsides that may not be well communicated (it happened to me ) and there are alternatives. I notice you like to post negative and very unhelpful things Barrold, why is that?

    Objective Truth, your post was very well written, there is a lot of truth in what you say.

  • Dis-Member


  • Hortensia

    Too bad the majority of the posts are so negative. Anti-depressants saved my life a couple of times. I agree with the comment about anxiety, sometimes that is the real problem. However, I think the anxiety drugs are the ones you can get addicted to, not the anti-depressants. I have taken Celexa for long periods of time with no side effects. Getting over depression takes a lot of work, you need to work with your doctor to find an anti-depressant that fits you. You need some counseling to improve your life skills. You need exercise outdoors as much as possible, and a decent diet.

    Taking an anti-depressant can left your mood so that you can deal with life more effectively. Depression can be paralyzing, and it's painful. If you can get rid of some of the depression you can work on the other problems.

  • Dis-Member

    Best things that ever helped with depression in me was gardening: playing with earth and growing living things, being close to animals.. and playing my guitar.

    DO NOT LISTEN TO ANY MEDICAL ADVICE IN THIS THREAD. Go see a mental health specialist.

    I'd ignore that comment too. Read and research as much as you can from anywhere you can. Especially from people that have taken the medication you are offered or are considering. I wish I did when my doctor prescribed me the anti-biotic Cipro for a minor infection failing to tell me about the side effects. Well this medication cured the minor infection but also nearly left me crippled for life with massive tendon ruptures in both shoulders, arms, knees and major joints. It took me a year and a half to be able to walk normally again and I have damage and pain in one knee that will be with me for the rest of my life.

    So many people have had their lives destroyed by this drug that there are multiple class action law suits going on. Some have been permanently crippled.

    And yes it was a 'trusted health specialist' that did this to me.

    Anti-depressants do more harm than good.

    The dark side of antidepressants

  • Mikado

    dis member, if you're depression is severe enough, you literally cannot function. you can't garden, you can't walk, you can't do any of the things you are recommending.

    these are all good things, but not when you are severly clinically depressed.

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