It's my 25th yr anniversary of freedom

by rebel8 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs
  • Quandry


    What would you say have been your major accomplishments since leaving? (Other than feeling freedom and enjoyment of life)

  • TableForOne

    Well done rebel8.

    I'm just in my first year, but I've never felt happiness like this before.


  • Mum

    Congratulations! Happy Birthday of Freedom!

  • bigmac
  • Xanthippe

    rebel8 freedom is great isn't it? I always enjoy your posts, I like rebels. Twenty-five years for me too.

  • JeffT

    Congratulations! My wife and I beat you by a few of months. Our DA letter went out March 18, 1989.

  • Dagney

    Congratulations Rebel!

    Edited to add: It's 13 years for me.

  • rebel8

    Thanks everyone!

    What would you say have been your major accomplishments since leaving? (Other than feeling freedom and enjoyment of life)

    Lots of college, decreased many irrational fears caused by brainwashing, learned how to (mostly) not judge others, vote, celebrate holidays, went to other churches without lightning zapping me , got a career, moved far away from the area filled with jw memories, admitted my jw past to a limited number of people IRL, read many non-jw books, pursued a hobby for its own sake, had days off without having to go door knocking, helped lots of people escape, became an apostate & wrote books/ran a website, got the Holocaust Museum to add the Declaration of Facts and Penton's book to their library, spread the sign language masturbation video all over the Internet (along with others, after someone else discovered it!) which ended up on comedy shows and got a gajillion hits--hopefully preventing lots of people from ever suffering the way we did, got my heart broken several times, got married to a normal person, bought property, studied and understood scientific and mathematical concepts, disproved creation and the bible, experienced normal joys and heartaches, was in the metaphorical foxhole and remained an atheist, kicked the ass of cancer and other assorted major and minor illnesses, told some really petty jw bullies exactly where to stick it, developed a talent to freak out jws by acting demonized (only when they deserve it).

    What I have not accomplished yet?

    Become 100% free from intrusive memories, 100% free from irrational fears caused by brainwashing, 100% free from social awkwardness in connection with lessened ability to relate to others due to my weird past, 100% free from sadness related to my past

    So yes, to those who say, "Move on," I have. And that doesn't mean that remnants stick around. We are a product of the sum total of our experiences. No way around that.

  • Phizzy

    Thanks Reb ! your story warms my heart, it is so positive about life after the Borg.

    By the way, how do you foam at the mouth when acting Demonized ? I would love to do that trick sometime, I have perfected a very "demon" sounding voice that says "I am Legion" , but the foaming eludes me.

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