My Elderette returns for a final Bible Study session, after I avoided her for 2 months (very long post)

by Faithful Witness 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ABibleStudent

    Awesome try Faithful Witness!! At least you and Diana cared enough about Miss K and her friend to help them to critically think for themselves. Sometimes you just have to realize "Let the Blind, lead the blind into a pit." It sucks that the WTBTS's BITE control is so powerful and victimizes so many JWs.

    About the only thing that you could have done differently was to ask Miss K what were her criteria for a cult after Diana responded to her, and then share with her what Steve Hassan's criteria are. Who are you going to believe more? The WTBTS who promotes itself as a religious organization, or a recognized cult-exit counselor.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Faithful Witness... Bravo!

    Thank you for taking your precious time, to help wake up WT drones.


  • LisaRose

    They truly do not know what to say when someone who knows the bible raises a legitimate question. It's like they put their fingers in their ears and say "Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah" before a critical thought can get in their brain.

  • jgnat

    You are such a determined woman. Your account helps all of us with loved-ones still under the spell.

  • Listener

    To that, Miss K said, "See... the way you put that, tells me that you are using some other source for your information. You did not get that from a Watchtower magazine. They never claimed that they reign over millions of people!!"

    How stupid is that, of course they are not going to say it in their publications, they even try to paint a different picture of their position through the publications. It's not words that determine their idolization but it is the physical evidence.

    When she used the excuse that Jesus wouldn't call Jehovah by his actual name because it was out of respect as he is his son, I would have been tempted to ask her where was that written in the Watchtower publications and wasn't she using some other source for her information. I obviously don't have your patience as this would only have annoyed her. I would have asked her why then, do the anointed call him Jehovah rather than father as they are also his sons.

    Well done.


    The biggest obstacle that JWs face, is that they believe they KNOW more than YOU or anyone else. You simply cannot teach anything to someone who knows it all. I understand why you are speaking to them, but it is an exercise in futility. Until they humble themselves or life or "GOD" humbles them, they will NEVER change.

    They willfully choose to believe a fantasy so they don't have to face reality. Miss K is NOT going to say, " Oh!! WOW!! I never realized that!", and apologize or leave the JWs. There are some truths in the scrolls we call the Bible. One such truth is that you will become like the God you worship. JWs worship a legalistic organization ran by a group of men who have a history of deception. The GB will NEVER come clean and apologize, so why would one of their lackeys???


  • scary21

    JW's are the ones that say the Jews said the name out loud only one day a year , and the correct way of saying it was lost. So if Jesus or anyone went around saying the name wouldn't the Jews get really really MAD? Where in the bible does it say they were stoned for doing that ?

    I think you did a great job. They just can't think these things out can they ?


  • Fernando

    Wow Faithful Witness!

    What patience, stamina, persistence and love.

    Personally I'm not as well resourced and have no choice but to seek out ways to save time and energy.

    To that end I would get them to agree to sessions where we research answers to questions on the liberating gospel of grace in their own Watchtower library which does contain a lot that a believer can agree with and that JW should get to know about.

    And of course one imagines the possibility of making much more headway by instead agreeing with their current publications which they idolise.

    JWs claim to be Christians. Yet they have no idea what the gospel is. This is like a motorcar salesman that has no idea that a Ford is a motorcar!

    Personally I would ask them to explain to me what the gospel is in one word, maybe even in writing.

    Then I would help them use the great search facility in their own Watchtower library.

    They would then discover that the gospel is a message.

    Suggested (sentence scope) searches:

    • gospel message
    • "good news" message
    • (gospel/"good news"/evangel/"glad tidings"/"sacred secret") message

    Then I would help them identify the 30 or more ingredients or components of this message, one-by-one, in their own Watchtower library. Of course after first asking them to list as many ingredients as they could in writing.

    I would use objective, "innocuous" and viewpoint questions as much as possible.

    For example:

    • How do you feel about a "Good News" that contains an ingredient called "salvation"?
    • How do you feel about a "Good News" that does not contain an ingredient called "salvation"?

    Simple (sentence scope) Watchtower library searches can be used to support this process:

    • gospel salvation
    • "good news" salvation
    • (gospel/"good news") salvation

    Only once we have covered around 30 ingredients, over several weeks, would I consider moving to more meaty topics such as:

    • Is legalism apostasy?
    • What is your view on law vs grace?
    • What is your view on faith vs works?
    • What is your view on imputed righteousness (a right standing by imputation)?
    • What is your view on imputed holiness (a clean standing by imputation)?
  • Fernando

    An important principle I try to remember and observe when trying to help JWs is: "do not come near or touch their idols".

    (Doctrine, God's name, GB, FDS, Elders, and so on...)

  • jookbeard

    interesting , thank god your friend was able to put the deciever in her place during the confrontation, I see the pathetic example of "do you call your father by his first name " was used, hopefully this will be the last time this idiot visits you again, these confrontaions have very little benefit.

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