My Elderette returns for a final Bible Study session, after I avoided her for 2 months (very long post)

by Faithful Witness 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Qcmbr

    " She was surprised to see that I also had a friend with me, Diana, an evangelical Christian who has compassion for people who are trapped in cults like JW's and LDS." Sigh

  • DesirousOfChange

    Ask they sat is the car:

    Miss K: I misjudged her so. It is so obviously to me now that she does not have the right heart attitude.

    Friend: Yes, it is so clear that Jehovah is not drawing her to him.

    Miss K: We must quit casting our pearls before swine.

    Friend: I really think you have just wasted precious time here that could have been spent in a better way.

    Miss K: Yes, let's go across town to Starbucks.


  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    DOC: I won't be surprised if she shows up again in a month or so... she has been persistent since the beginning. I have given her nothing but objections and challenges. Even so, she kept coming to the same conclusion: "I don't think you're an apostate. You don't come across as someone who is trying to 'take down the Watchtower' to me. I think you just need to study the Bible from a fresh perspective." Each visit she made, also turned into 2-3 hours of time on her report card, so it wasn't a total waste! ;)

    Each time she left, I would remind her that she still had not proved her points from the Bible. This time, she did get a little indignant when I said "you won't answer my questions..." Why is EVERY question answered with a QUESTION? SO irritating.

    Anyway, it was (slightly) fun and enlightening to watch her in action with someone who "doesn't understand how we do things." I learned a lot about her training and tactics, when I didn't have to be the only one responding.

    When Miss K was saying that it seemed clear that I wasn't interested in continuing our study, I said, "If I wanted to become a Jehovah's Witness, would I be required to call God 'Jehovah'?" Their eyes got bigger, and her friend said, "That would be your personal choice." I pressed it a little bit farther, and asked, "What if I wanted to just call him Father or even Yahweh?" ... "Again, that would be your personal choice. We aren't FORCED to do anything we don't want to do."


    You should have asked her point blank, " Do YOU believe that Jesus will execute be for not believing the way you do? Yes or No?"


  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    This whole time that I have been relaying the experiences with my friend Diana, she was expressing her concerns that I was not doing the most important thing: Sharing the Gospel of Christ.

    Diana has read a few books and some literature about helping JW's, but the concept was not sinking in for her. Since it was going to be my last meeting with Miss K, I invited Diana to come with me.

    I knew that the presence of Diana would probably make Miss K never come back, and would stop her from bullying me into agreeing to just one more visit.

    I wanted Diana to see for herself that Miss K's mind is behind a brick wall. You will not reach a JW, by confronting their core belief system. You must avoid the 4 biggies: the Trinity, everlasting hellfire, the Deity of Christ and the existence of an eternal soul.

    They got into a couple of rounds of bible ping-pong, and then I would draw them back into the same request: Show me why I am supposed to call God by the name "Jehovah."

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    DD: Diana asked her if anyone outside the JW organization could be chosen or annointed, and go to Heaven. Miss K answered almost all of Diana's questions with, "I believe what the Bible says."

    I have asked my JW dad that question. "Dad, what is the difference between me and you? If I don't become a JW, am I going to be destroyed at Armageddon?"

    His response: "That's not for ME to judge. That is what I like about 'this.' I no longer have to judge people, or make decisions about others. I can leave it in Jehovah's hands." Ugh.

    If I see Miss K again, and get the opportunity, I will ask her point blank. I don't recall her explicitly expressing any of her OWN beliefs, but repeating the mantra, "I just know we have the TRUTH." and "I believe what the Bible says."

    I have found it impossible to get a JW to express their own opinions or beliefs.

    My mom will say, "The 'Witnesses' believe..."

    Miss K will use the above statements, along with, "We are not FORCED to do anything we don't want to do. I am here because I believe I have the Truth!"

  • Deceived

    I Like this thread so much. You did a great job with your questions FW!! Miss K FAILED big time and she knows it.

    Hopefully her ego won't get in the way or her brainwashing and maybe you helped her to do some critical thinking.

    My daughter was studying with the JW's until 2 months ago. I was so scared they would suck her in and I gently asked her to ask questions like you did. They could not answer either, just the old rote we have the truth and because the Faithful and Discreet slave told us so. Thankfully my daughter quit studying with them because of asking querstions and now is sure they don't have the truth. Your story helped us both.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Deceived: Thanks for sharing your story!

    The tactic the JW's use to "lead you to the Truth," is by first making you question your previous beliefs about the Bible.

    They have to turn you against all religion, and then show you what the Bible "REALLY" Teaches... by showing you a verse here, another verse there...

    BUT when you read their verse in context, you realize the gross misinterpretations they are making. They jump to conclusions, and use key words like "obviously," "clearly," "evidently..."

    When you put their books down and actually read the Bible without their commentary, you realize how deceived they are.

    I hope I can relay this whole experience to my parents, in a way that will make them both start to THINK for a change! They are already baptized, so it is a lot harder to peck holes in the wall that surrounds them.

  • Deceived

    FW I am going to share what you said in this thread with my daughter as I think she will appreciate it.

    I raised her as a witness from the time she was 2 until 10 years old, then I left the religion thankfully. BUT my Mother was a diehard witness and she witnessed to her all the time after that. My daughter has a spiritual need and is still searching for the truth.

    I think she will enjoy your friends ideas about Jesus. She has tried a few churches like the Pentacostal and the Baptist and the Anglicans but she was turned off of them by a few things like asking for money etc. So she called the witnesses early this year and asked them to study with her but she didn't like a lot of stuff they were telling her. She didn't agree with the Blood issue and when I told her that they have changed the rules on that a few times and people died who didn't have to die because of it she started really seeing the light. The clincher was that she is living with her boyfriend and not married to him. He isn't interested in becoming a JW so they told her in no uncertain terms that she had to leave him if she wanted to continue to study and become a JW. YAY!! She has a 5 year old boy with him and is now pregnant with her 2nd baby so she said forget it!!

    She asked about the Generation thing from 1914 and that generation will not pass away before the end comes, they gave her some mumbo jumbo about the overlapping generations but she said she didn't understand it and they were annoyed with her for asking. They know I am a disassociated JW and they told her she had to shun me because I was an apostate Satan was using me to put doubts in her mind. They told her they knew this because of the questions she was asking, only an apostate asks those kind of questions they said.

  • Crazyguy

    If Miss K comes back focus on Galations 1:6 and the fact that the apostles and Paul all focused on the message of the messiah.

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