My First Post!

by NoMoreHustle 67 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bigmac

    welcome to JWN NMH

    took a while for me to come to grips that I Had Been Made A Fool!

    then we were all fooled.

    but the real fools are those that stay in KNOWING its not the truth.

  • Dis-Member

    My goodness what's this!! I hardly recognise these people! Is this Gospel music now? Is speaking in tongues and group fainting next?

  • Dis-Member

    The Devils's own music Rock'n'Roll is acceptable too.. what's going on with this organisation?

  • Stealth


  • Phizzy

    Mormon Tabernacle Choir, EAT YOUR HEART OUT. LOL

  • lurkernomore

    Hi Hustle and welcome.

    Very similar to Magnums first post, when I first found information detrimental to my staying in 'the truth' I prayed for Jehovah to answer my doubts, to help me see that what I'd discovered was false in some way. A few months down the line and I'm still waiting on an answer. In fact if anything my conviction that this shambles of a 'religion' is not specially chosen for bugger all, has been even more solidified.

    All the best in your fade and I hope things don't become too difficult with your family

  • steve2

    The twisting, jiving and square dancing in the parking lot to the Devil's music is an embarrassment but more importantly, a revelation. So deep into the time of the end and you're dancing in the street to worldly music? See what happens when the end doesn't happen: Real life begins to emerge as the prospect of years still ahead in this old system takes hold. Twisting the night away, indeed!

  • frogonmytoe

    Welcome NoMoreHustle!

  • TableForOne

    A very warm welcome, NoMoreHustle.

    It sounds like we have some things in common:

    Baptised for 20+ years, woken up by Candace Conti.

    What we do not have in common:

    My wife and I are now separated.

    She is now more convinced than ever that she is in "the truth".

    I look forward to reading your future posts.

    From what you've written already, I think you already know that you've come to right place


  • punkofnice

    Welcome NMH. Yeah, well you're probably where I was but then once I woke up my missus didn't get it at all. She eventually left me.

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