What's the story behind Adam and Eve and fig leaves.

by jam 41 Replies latest social family

  • jam

    Where they blind? Nakedness is a sin between married folks?

    That is so silly. So Adam and Eve I'm sure had sex, prancing

    around in the garden in their birthday suits. So now it's a sin,

    death to you..Who else was in the garden, the Angeles...

    Please tell me the point of this story, the nakedness part.

    So it is a sin to look at my wife nakedness???

  • jam

    And before someone chime in, the wife and I still take showers

    togather and it not because of a water shortage, Thank you....

  • BU2B

    It makes no sense. Just another reason why it is a fable. You cannot hide from god, and what married couple is ashamed to be seen natheory their spouse? What a crock.

  • jam

    This is so crazy, If it boils down to sexual passions maybe to

    be misused in the future, so that means that Adam had NO sexual

    passion for Eve before, right.

    Yes a crock...

  • Saved_JW

    Missing the point entirely.

    At the moment of creation everything was created Good. There was no seperation betwen God and his creation. In fact God dwelt with Adam and eve in the garden. No guilt, no shame. Unbroken relationship between God and man.

    After the fall sin entered into the world, along with it came shame and guilt. The covering of the fig leaves was really mankinds first act of religion. Because when we sin, we want to COVER IT UP, justify our actions. Which is exactly what they attempted to do. Eve blamed it on the serpant, Adam blamed it on the woman. They hid from God out of shame.

    They covered themselves up as a reaction to their shame before God. No longer were they pure before God, but fallen. No longer good. They made clothes for themselves to cover themselves up. God instead had to make a covering for them. This is the gospel in a nutshell. Man cannot justify himself or his sins through his own actions, but only God can cover them for man. One is religion, the other is grace.

  • Jeannette

    Well then what was the sin? Nakedness between a man and his wife is not even bad, let alone sinful. And, why did they cover their private parts and not their mouths if it was the tasting of the "apple" or fruit or whatever. If you can believe any of that crock and bull, I've got a real answer for you.

  • designs

    Ancients peoples had a lot of fears and superstitions about the natural world.

  • Apognophos

    I've long thought this was the most interesting part of the story. And I might have an answer to it, now that I've read some of what scholars have to say about this account. BU2B, you mentioned that you can't hide from God. That's true of the Christian God, but not the YHWH of this story. In this story, they DO hide from God, right in Genesis 3:8! Now, a Christian will say that God was just asking Adam to account for his actions, and that he already knew very well where they were hiding. But if you are honest to the text itself, here's what you find:

    - Unlike the abstract, hands-off account of chapter 1 where Elohim creates the earth as we know it, the YHWH of chapter 2 is a hands-on God. He "plants" the Garden of Eden, he "forms" man from the earth like a potter, and "blows" breath into his nostrils. He "walks" through his Garden daily according to chapter 3.

    - When YHWH is taking his daily walk through the Garden in 3:8, Adam and Eve 'hide from his face in between the trees of the garden'. This confirms that YHWH is in the Garden with them, on foot, at their level (more or less). In 3:9, YHWH "kept calling to the man" to find him. Does he find him? No! In verse 10, Adam "finally" speaks up and comes out of hiding with Eve. It's not clear whether YHWH would have found them otherwise.

    Guess what? This god, YHWH, is a very powerful man, a deity in human form! That was the conception that the writer of this story (or the original tellers of the story when it was conveyed orally) had in mind. He did not live full-time in heaven (actually it was the sky, in the language of the early Bible writings, not some immaterial realm), and he was corporeal.

    So, let's ask the question again... what's the purpose of the fig leaves? Who were Adam and Eve embarrassed to be seen by? It was YHWH! They felt exposed and indecent in the eyes of their creator. While a Christian cannot conceive of being embarrassed to be seen naked by their God, that's because they assume omnipresence or omniscience. So God can see you while you're in the shower, he saw you when you were born, etc.

    But the god of Genesis 2 (from verse 4 on) is a limited god, of the sort that ancient polytheistic people believed in; he couldn't see you if you simply had trees to hide behind! So to be in the physical presence of this god had personal meaning. It wasn't just that God had temporarily formed a body to interact with Adam and Eve, a mere avatar for his all-seeing presence; no, that was God! No wonder Adam and Eve were embarrassed to be seen naked in the presence of YHWH.

    The underlying implication, by the way, is that Adam and Eve were originally child-like. Children don't "know" they're naked. It's not until they hit puberty that they begin to become self-conscious physically. That time of puberty means a loss of "innocence" as the mating instinct begins kicking in, which leads to a new awareness of the significance of nudity, and it seems to correspond to what happened to Adam and Eve's minds when they ate the fruit of knowledge.

  • jam

    Why didn't God blame the more sophisticated, well travel

    serpant.. He had million of years to perfect his craft.

    Do you think that's fair??? What was God doing when EVE was

    talking to the serpant?? I don't think they(Adam/Eve) was to smart.

    Unless all the other animals were talking in the garden, I would

    think if a serpant spoke to me, I would have called on God.

    God, something weird is going on..

  • jam

    "It's not until they hit puberty that they begain to become

    self-conscious physically", so the human race hinged on two

    teenagers.. Humm, Jesus was 30....

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