Speculation: Female Ministerial Servants coming soon

by Londo111 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jonahstourguide

    @ dozy,

    Hey the use of the word HELPER jumps outta da page at me.

    Are't they using the term for speakers at conventions?

    Like "governing body helper"

    I'm now wondering...... co's wives? eldubs wives? special female bethelites?

    Females from the translation dept?? Female pioneers??

    As for me I'm all for it,,,,da gender bias unsettles my bowels and

    overworks my anal orifice,,ha ha..


  • problemaddict

    Nope.......females will not be allowed to be MS's which are "appointed men" but their definition.


    Why not pull some other phrase out of your bum and give it meaning? We will call them Rahabs or something silly like that.

  • jonahstourguide

    So then,

    Even if they cannot be "appointed" as a 'helper' certain tasks could be performed.

    Could they for example be the cobe's helper or the service overseer helpers?

    the eldub has say 3 'positions' but the female 'helpers' do the hard work???

    Sound department 'helpers'? Heaven knows many do the stuff for older

    computer illiterate and organisationally bereft males.

    Dunno, juz wondering.

    jtg (lookin for loopholes)

  • Quarterback

    Phoebe served as a , "defender of many", in other words she was a "Ninja". Of course the record gives no details. Today, many sisters karate chop any in the audience that fall asleep. He that does not fear a women is a fool.

    i don't know if they could be used as microphone carriers, though. They have high heels and they may stumble and cause distrations. They may break a nail when receiving back a microphone from a nervous commentator.

  • Poztate

    I was suprised when they started to use them to"guard" contribution boxes at the DC. They NEVER used to be allowed to do that.

    Before you know it they will be "allowed" to run mics at the KH and even "allowed" to clean toilets at the KH without being under the supervision of an Elder......What a power trip for them... LOL

    Some Mormon women are fighting a lot harder for a bigger share of power.

  • jonahstourguide

    Yep wouldn't work.

    How dey gonna keep da secret boys club in their own

    lunchbox intact?


  • stuckinarut2

    Will only happen if they grow a Penis overnight!

    The org is all about male dominance....

    Someone once uploaded a satirical chart about the level of leadership in the org....can this be reposted?

  • Poztate

    Years and years ago I was doing sound and mics at the KH. Older bunch with very few mic runners. I suggested that some of the teenage girls could run mics as well as the teenage boys. That idea was shot down in flames. The powers in charge were agast that I would even suggest such a thing.

    I started instead to assign a few "elders" (just before elders) 70ish to run mics at times. Nobody complained directly to me but soon after that I was reassigned to the literature desk

  • Londo111

    'Spiritual qualifications' mostly revolve around field service hours, not admitting or getting caught looking at certain things of the internet, ect...


    If she is authorized to grease me with oil, then SO BE IT!!!


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