VERY short day at the Arlington/Dallas International Convention-My Observations

by CaptainSchmideo 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "See you in paradise", eh?

    Sounds like they're trying to put an optimistic spin on the reality of WT's new order...

    "See You in HELL!"


    It's pretty easy to create the illusion of an increase in the cult. They have merged districts into regions precisely because they HAD to. How can you make a dying apocalyptic/end times/Neo-zionist/judeo-Christian cult look vibrant as it dies? By consolidating dying circuits and districts into regions. The GB KNOW that they are going to be exposed in court for their many crimes. They KNOW that jack-shit hasn't happened since 1914, and isn't happening.

    They have staged this "International Convention" to bolster the troupes. ALL their efforts from here on out will be re-direction and distraction. The GB want the sheeple to have happy and warm-fuzzy memories to sustain them through the "persecution" to come.


  • LostGeneration

    RE what Data Dog notes, this year they are throwing the kitchen sink at the troops so they don't think about 1914. Huge conventions, busy work with the upcoming tracts, speculations about this being the 'last meh-morial', I could go on and on.

    Whipping up this kind of excitement and fervor can't go on for too long, otherwise everyone either expects more, or suffers a letdown. Next year will be the let down. In the years that follow, we'll see JWs here who are actually realizing its been 100 years of Jesus doing nothing.

    They have already dropped the two day conventions, I'll guess this year will be the last three day convention. Next year it goes to two, way less rent to pay at worldy venues and income can remain about the same. The new squeeze on donations will continue, and 1914 will look more and more like a sick joke.

  • zebagain

    so we have women on heat, *individuality in dress with a gentle spattering of civic pride/ nationalism. Mein Gott! It sounds almost.... wait for it..........................................................worldly!

    It would be great to see the various tribal, clan, racial whatever costumes being realized.

    Hey! That means i could wear a kilt in honour of my ancestors.

    ("what's worn under your kilt Jock?")

    "Nothings worn,.. it all works perfectly well". 

    * female need eh? let me guess they are going to put out a 'schedule' for nookie nights? 

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