New Member Story

by No Retreat No Surrender 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Retreat No Surrender
    No Retreat No Surrender

    thank you everyone for your kind remarks, it is very encouraging!

  • jgnat

    Personal exit stories are my favorite. I get a double thrill when couples leave together. I hope this board provides some comfort, a safe harbour in the storms of life, when you have had so few. There is nothing more to our initiation here. You are accepted.

  • problemaddict

    Thanks for the story. Very inspiring.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    No Retreat No Surrender... That is a strong name, a good name.

    When I finished reading Ray Franz's C of C, I was o-u-t, never to return.

    Welcome to your new "play ground". lol


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome! Thanks for joining us on here and sharing your story.

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    Thanks for having the nerve to post! I would like to here more of your experiences and how you are able to work through the whole JW experience.

    I am trying very hard to figure things out.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Welcome - i appreciate you posting your story and hope you continue to feel better and better!


  • LisaRose

    Great intro. I am a '54 model myself, also got married young (1972) for the same reasons.

    The only thing worse than finding out you have been duped is to never find out.


  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I am so thankful we came out together because so many lose their mates when they wake up. It has been difficult but we are working through it together. I am glad you finally posted your story. Love you

  • Ocean1111

    Like the first century Christians who in time morphed into the Catholic "organization" there is a turning point when a faith becomes a cult. This pattern already happened in both branches of Israel's tribal split, in time "organizational" changes occurred, and one could worship Tammuz at the temple of YHWH at Jerusalem.

    So it does not take a real detective to know things repeat and have cycles that define the repetition, there really is "nothing new under the sun".

    So when battling the cult of Bethel and it's cult of the Watchtower Secret Society and their "mystery priesthood" in the Governing Body it is good to know a little about this cycle of what is really the core of the term "apostasy". Apostasy in the Bible or in the mafia is a falling away from the faith. But it is most substantial when the leadership falls away from the faith just like in Israel or in early Christianity. That is the core of the pattern of defection.

    So 1976 truly marks the turning point in Jehovah's witnesses. Statistically the ministry was at an all time high, so it was time to "fix" it, and the GB knew just how to truly "fix" the faith. It became a cult based on a human intermediary, that by previous acceptance as scriptural, soon became the "lords of the faith" with the power of spiritual death one would believe, if they believed these were the "lords of the faith" by divine mandate.

    But in fact it is a corporate mandate to seize control of what was quickly well on the way to a multi-billion dollar religious empire. All was lost, the Bethel Titanic looked the same, smelled the same, sounded the same, but it went off course oh so subtly.

    Well one thing leads to another and 15 years later "spiritual Israel" by it's "Government Body" spiritually joined the UN NGO "wildbeast" and simply slid by the third UN manifestation in 1990 as if the USSR never fell and the "new world order" never arose, simply fully ignoring the implications this would have on Daniel 11 "King North" interpretation.

    In keeping with the status quo the UN toting Governing Body decided upon more ultra-conservatism for "doctrinal unity" and the Bethel thing hit the iceberg, JWs slept through it, it has just started.

    In the same manner as the former everything looks the same, but in fact it has morphed as other faith systems have now fully, even the leadership seems to not recognize they too "ride the wildbeast", and worse, from those "who claim to see".

    So that really is the statistical and evidentiary 1976 "epicenter" of the Bethel disaster captained by the "Governing Body" experiment. Prior to that Jehovah's witnesses had as much claim to a faith as any Christian as anybody.

    Now by JWs own rules, not that of others, they are a GB centered cult, but it had a slow transition (Dan8:12; 2Cor11:13-15) and it slowly morphed while becoming the "back drop" for almost 40 years in the common JW life and mindset. JWs now listen with their eyes, if it looks like the same old ship, with the smooth visual captains, they think everything is fine. It's the same laughing gas, repeated over and over, it really sounds the same, but it is a recording now.

    But in retrospect it is not the average JW, or the faith, it is the "Governing Body" that is the root of the corruption, just as it was with the Sanhedrin or the Papacy, it is the exact same "supreme synod" that has subverted the whole JW faith, it is the same pattern, it is repeating. And not for nothing, the corporate connections and authorities are who will bilk JW for BILLIONS of dollars in assets is also present. So it has an incentive as well. A well known human incentive of greed as well as power.

    It is the same cycle and like the previous cycles of apostasy it will equate to the same thing, disaster, organizational disaster for JWs and it will be permitted, even required by God (Dan8:13), as it was in all time's past for people with faith. But at least we know the similar disasters coming for other religious organizations has the same root as JWs, allowing a human control center to assume divine proportions and position, and from that Pied Piper "body" the pockets are lined as the sheep are fleeced, but the GB are beyond any other religious organization in finding every red cent to milk out before they go - they are true "organizational" experts of overkill.

    In it's own way JWs and Bethel will become more a story of what NOT to do, than any semblance of "faith" as it is described in the Bible, the Bible Bethel claims to represent, but instead they do Atlanta Visitors Center commercials and plug corporate orgs and products as well as any mainstream media. JWs are done, they just don't know it yet as they are the ones now shining the brass of the Bethel Titanic.

    But 1976 is when in went off course, and 1990 is when they hit the UN iceberg. Before then JWs had as much right as anyone else to attempt to "exercise faith" and make the public claim as all religions do in some way now.

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