She is Going to Talk to the Elders About My Questions...What Should I Expect?

by HeyThere 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HeyThere

    Witness my fury: there is that chance. Her elders know my husband, he used to go to that kh. They have already spoken with our kh about my h previously so they already have been aquainted. Does that make a difference? I am pretty new to it all but from what I have learned they seem to be a nosy bunch.

  • HeyThere

    Billy: lol beat her to the punch! That is tempting but I will let her lead on this and just react as needed. Whatever happens I will update here. And continue to seek advice. You guys are great.

  • Wild_Thing

    Since you are not baptized, I don't think anything will happen either. Is your in-law baptized? I can see them warning her about her association with you. Like someone already, spreading doubt is one of the biggest no-nos. The good thing that will may happen is the elders will probably not be able to answer her questions, and hopefully that will be a huge red flag for her and help her wake up.

  • Ocean1111

    What will happen? "deny everthing, claim everything, explain nothing". Standard formula for UN organizations and the Watchtower Secret Society and it's "mystery priesthood" the sinners in the "Governing Body".

    You might ask more questions:

    1. Why has Bethel liquidated over at least a billion in real-estate and investment assets globally in just four years?

    A: The end is near, they know the end (of Bethel) is near!

    2. Are not "non-governmental organizations" (UN NGO) co-promoting and endorsement agencies so says Wiki and the UN itself? Why did Bethel endorse, rather than explain, the third United Nations global presentation in 1990?

    A: We needed a library card.

    3. Who owns the Bethel corporations? Who are actually in the "Watchtower Society"? Why is it all, like the UN NGO, so secretive?

    A: That's a secret.

    4. World researchers and geo-political anaysts and UN critics like Ron Paul project a minimum 10 year coming phase for this next financial cycle alone, and an eventual financial sector "world government". Why does Bethel act as if it is going to end tomorrow?

    A: The world is misled.

    5. Whose going to get the billions when Bethel self-implodes? Are derivatives going to protect Jehovah's witnesses interests?

    A: We trust the Governing Body has looked into it.

    6. Right or worng, Bethel policies stumble now more people everyday from the Web alone, than come into "the truth". Aren't Jehovah's witnesses sharing now in a similar "bloodguilt" due to those couple thousand a day understanding Bethel global criminal activity in the spiritual and sometimes secular dimension?

    A: We shall convene a judical committe to answer your questions, good day!


    And that is the true Bethel state: Classic Apostasy from the top.

  • Vidiot

    Ocean1111 - "And that is the true Bethel state: Classic Apostasy from the top."

    I hadn't even thought of that.

    When they point the "apostate" finger at someone... well... it takes one to know one.

  • villagegirl

    Ocean 111 - Thank you - I needed that - hahahahaha

    Watchtower free - I am copying these questions if you don't mind.

    I have a witness couple trying to visit me. This is a terrific thread.

  • HeyThere

    Wild thing, yes, she is baptized. I am curious to hear what they tell her. She will still talk to me even if told not to, so I will find out even if I never get talked to...

  • Ocean1111


    Your welcome. you might ask these questions as well which I get an answer to sometimes, but never the right one. This is because the basic answer actually is the apostasy is present from the top, it is leadership apostasy the Bible speaks of, not the man on the street, that is the main distraction.

    There was a person I knew who was afraid of confronting the elders. So I said ask everything as legitimate questions and concerns to get the questions into their own heads, and let them sit in their own heads, don't affirm or deny the questions, keep them as if you are pondering the issues yourself. This happened to be a woman who was well versed in the foundational JW teachings on prophecy.

    Prophecy is a good place to ask questions, because they are usually historic in detail rather than morals and dogma, they hinged on world events as history in many places in JW theology. Prophecy is a good place for questions because some JWs do examine it. The point being to inject valid questions into the elder Bethelobotimized skull.

    But literally these are questions many have actually had, that Bethel has no satisfying answer for. The other basic answer is Bethel cover-up, they are covering up their own apostasy and prophecies that detail it at Daniel 11:30-32, 8:11-13, 23a.


    Why have Jehovah's witnesses stopped tracking modern international developments since the third United Nations placement of 1990 saying such a milestone towards world government is not prophetic or even significant?

    Why does Bethel only ambiguously mention world government, but implies it is not prophetic?

    Why doesn't Bethel detail the final third and fourth UN progression easily seen in prophecy and world events since 1990?

    Why did Bethel join the UN third placement development as UN NGO rather than start exposing these details?

    How is a failed/bankrupt USSR supposed "King North" also a valid global "ruler of the silver and the gold" in Daniel 11:42-43?

    How did a defunct USSR supposed "King North" also "prove successful until the denunciation comes to a finish" at Daniel 11:36? How can a national bloc failure, also be successful?

    On Daniel 8:13-14

    How can "organizational adjustments" that actually increased corporate seizure away from the congregations independence be called a "right condition" temple purification? Is it not more "profanation" that occurred at that time? (1938-1944).

    How is congregational independence a "transgression causing desolation" at Daniel 8:13? Isn't the UN NGO more likely a "transgression"?

    Since when does apostasy not apply to the leadership? In the Sanhedrin? In the Papacy? In the Governing Body? Are they not really the same thing, human intermediation claiming divine authority?

    How is the "faithful and discreet slave" (2012) or the "Governing Body" (1976) in itself not "lifting themselves over everyone" when obviously such teachings are literally a self exaltation? (in reference to 2Thess2:3-4)

    How is "Christendom" the "holy place" today, when in fact the first FIFTY years of the JW ministry was saying Christendom is NOT the "holy place"? How can a claim to being the "holy place" be the "holy place" in prophecy, which is not a claim but a "place", as Bethel implies illogically?

    Those last questions will probably send the elder back to catch up on what JWs were supposedly believe with some needed research, as JWs in general have been dumbed-down severely.

    In fact everything points to the fact Bethel is diverting attention from their true condition: Classic Apostasy from the top.

  • sarahsmile

    What was she disturbed about?

    It is not clear, was she bothered about everything she did not know or that you brought it to her attention?

    Stating"Going to the elders" is like trying to get you in trouble!

    Anyhow, I guess she is one in law that is untrustworthy!

    Although, you are not baptised they will mark you as bad association. Ignore you. Most likely they are waiting for your marriage to disolve.

    I am jusy being honest here. If you do not join the flock they think eventually you will commit adultery. It is a so call lesson for hubby!

    Elders I doubt will say or do anything because your not baptised and your husband is baptised, head of house.

    Your in-law will be marked as trouble maker that is reality.

    Elders get tired of women telling things! It is on going for them nuisance.

    In law does not win!

  • sarahsmile


    How is "Christendom" the "holy place" today, when in fact the first FIFTY years of the JW ministry was saying Christendom is NOT the "holy place"? How can a claim to being the "holy place" be the "holy place" in prophecy, which is not a claim but a "place", as Bethel implies illogically?

    What another changed doctrine! Your kidding?

    JW think Christendom the whore of bablyon is now holy place!

    All my life they said Christiandom represents all world religions! JW were the true religion.

    It was one of those red flags for me!

    How could WT call the land of Christians bablyon to begin with!

    I learn something every day! I wonder if they adjusted their teachings because exJWs!

    No reason for them to change that one!

    How can anyone over forty be a JW because of that change alone!

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