JW Lady Witnesses to me in My Truck While Trying to get a Nap !

by flipper 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scott77
    "...Friday morning while trying to get a nap in my truck at 7:30 A.M. in the morning in a " quiet " parking lot with nice shady trees before driving home from working all night- I noticed a lone car pull up into the parking lot about 40 feet from my truck..."

    The mention of 7:30am in this flipper's experience reminds me of early morning preaching campaigns I was involved in years back. We used to wake up early at 6am in order to place Watchtower and Awake in Laundry mats in several apt complexes. Then about 7am, we would drive back in a car group at Kingdom Hall for a group assignment. This flipper's 'sisters' might have been in the same planned schedule as we used to be in. What a waste of time and good sleep!


  • flipper

    SCOTT 77- I hear what you are saying. Years ago when I used to be a JW pioneer as a young man I used to go meet a fellow JW guy I knew for coffee at an old hotel restaurant at 7:00 A.M. before walking the streets doing street witnessing. Isn't it insane how early we'd get up in the morning and how delusioned we were in our devotion to the WT Society ? I shake my head in disbelief sometimes that I was ever that deluded

  • Scott77
    "...So I began by asking her if she knew what her organization's child abuse policies were ? She of course stated that JW's don't tolerate child abuse and offenders are DFed and expelled from the church..."

    Her response to this key question indicates a similar tactic used by the mother organisation, the Watchtower. Alway deny, deny and deny as if its obsolutately correct to do so. How sad


  • flipper

    SCOTT 77- Deny, deny, deny. WT Society trains it's members to do exactly as they do in denying reality

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