I never realized that Hitler's persecution of the Witnesses was worse than that of the Jews

by ThomasCovenant 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    must be a relief for him to sit down without pain on his throne in the 1000 year reign after all this overlapping is finished.

    no kidding this is really painfull. try a hemroid operation try being allergic to all painkillers.

    those on thrones are to be killed with the ax, short and sweet compared to weeks of pain in the ---you know where.

  • kaik

    Prologos, the JW suffered for truth that had since changed. The WT didn not really cared about their plight nor fate. They were sacrificed pawns for martyrdom like early Christians who refused to obey Roman Laws often not related to anything religious like signing documents under the bust of the document.

  • prologos

    kalk I like to think that there is merit in standing up for humanity, life, principles, even if the manipulators behind the curtains are despicable.

    I witnessed people being beaten up for not publicly saluting the flag in a parade. 1039. were they EBF*? I suspect so.

    In our 1942-45 boarding high school was a school mate, a member of the Von Laue ( physics nobel price) family, who never wore the swastika or insignia on the compulsory HJ uniform.

    It is this kind of guts among the witnesses that gave credence to their claim of approaching true Christianity that eased me into the wt net (not this good net here) but the bird catcher's wt recruiting net.

    I see no cause for wich I would dare to make such sacrifices now.

    * Ernste Bibel FORSCHER. not students but RESEARCHERS. I think Hitler kind of feared that title "Forscher" with his superstitions, he propably surmised that the Bibelforschers had come up with secret omens in his disfavor, die Vorsehung, self fulfilling prophecy.

    like agentine getting silver and goetze becoming an idol. lol.

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