I never realized that Hitler's persecution of the Witnesses was worse than that of the Jews

by ThomasCovenant 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SuperBoy

    I don't doubt that the Witnesses suffered in Germany, like many many other groups.

    But let's face it, if Hitler had accommodated their demands, they would have been as silent as the Catholic Church as to what was going on.


    There is no telling how much of the JW "history" is made up. Probably most of it.

  • Focus


    AMENDED: Forum bug (Simon, hi after a decade; I'm currently muzzled except for amendments) - some .com links are getting auto-altered to .net ones, and due to the different internal structuring this breaks the links).

  • problemaddict

    ^^^^link goes to empty page.

  • Finkelstein

    'The terrible persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses by Hitler, worse than that he inflicted on the Jews, took place.'' WT 1966 15th Oct page 635.

    Thats some self supporting propaganda Bullshit , and they say the WTS leaders never lie.


  • Focus

    ^^^^link goes to empty page.

    problemaddict, yes. Quite droll. It worked when I put it there.

    If you hover over the link, which was to jw.com, you will see it has been internally changed to .net - not done by moi.

    http://tinyurl.com/jjrizo does the trick to .com, but perhaps only temporarily.

    http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/39853/1/Real-EVIL-the-Watchtower-and-the-Nazis-Blood is another pointer to the .net original


    ("LOL!" Class)

  • Vidiot

    MadGiant - "Religious propaganda is invaluable at teaching two timeless lessons: Your religious leaders thinks you’re stupid (and some are), and when faced with unreasonable expectations, some people will lose their mind in hilarious ways."

    That's an awesome statement.

  • sparrowdown

    JW's even make persecution a competition.

  • Vidiot

    sparrowdown - "JW's even make persecution a competition."

    You said it.

    Hell; under Rutherford, it was elevated to a f**king art form.

  • steve2

    The appalling aspect is that their then (American) president, Rutherford, from the luxurious comfort of Beth Sarim in the early to mid-1930s, unforgivably goaded Hitler by sending him an archly "threatening" Resolution directing him to leave the Witnesses or suffer the consequences. Rutherford literally handed Hitler the justification for turning on the Witnesses and rounding them up and throwing them in concentration camps.

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