International Convention...Same Message, Same Emotional Manipulation

by HeyThere 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • daringhart13

    My god.....just reading what you saw at the DC made me sick.


    It makes my heart hurt for people that believe that sh*t

    They are demons

  • HeyThere

    It was very disturbing. There were around 48,000 people there just eating it up. One man cried during the drama. I think it is good for people to have hope, but the wtbts is taking advantage of people and it is sick. They want money and people gladly give it to support these dreams. They also are focused on 1914 and the generations and how this system is ending soon, so very soon. Blech.

  • HeyThere

    And my husband is right there eating it up with the best of them.

  • stuckinarut2

    Emotional manipulation!

    sick, sick, sick!

    Its no different to the way kids are told stories about "Santa bringing toys, or Easter bunny bringing eggs, or the stork bringing babies"

    All those things, including the wt paradise are fairy tales!

    And now condemning pets? Seriously? Didnt god supposedly give the animals to mankind to look after?

    And isn't one of the biggest tools witnesses use to promote the paradise (especially to kids), is all the pets and animals we can have??

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Its no different to the way kids are told stories about "Santa bringing toys, or Easter bunny bringing eggs, or the stork bringing babies""

    There is one significant difference: The kids get toys, candy, and baby siblings. They just don't get the truth of where these things come from for a few years.

    For JWs there are no toys, candy, and many of us were deceived into not having children. Oh, those things are promised, but the WT 'carrot' is never delivered. Many go their entire lives without getting the truth about "the truth"... all the way to their pathetic JW funerals.

    {in an assembly chairman voice with reverb} "Friends, aren't we happified to enjoy this spiritual truthiness feast here on JWN?!?" {cue applause}

  • steve2

    I am like such a fool for having no desire to ice skate now or - heaven forbid - in a perfect world. What the f's wrong with me? 'Dem apostates gotta hold of my brain.

  • AnnOMaly

    It was in the first half of day 1...can't remember the specific was a very short clip

    Got it. Thanks.

    10:20 Symposium: Appreciating the Thrones of Divine Rulership

    - Jesus’ Throne (Matthew 25:31)

    Wow. They've really tapped into the power of slick videos and music to manipulate people's thoughts and feelings. Sure, they are late in the game as anyone from cults to political parties to business has been using this means for many decades. It's like a commercial.

  • HeyThere

    Yes, they really know what they are doing. I saw it on faces all around me. Also, just the use of the term "the truth" is manipulative. I cringe every time I hear it.

  • HeyThere

    And I can't help but wonder how many pedophiles are wandering around the stadium.

  • sylvlef

    How manipulative...i guess there Will ne the same shit at the "regular" DC... I Will attend the 2nd half of day 1 and full days 2 and 3 to please the directement, so Will ne missing the 1st thrilling moments...but maybe not the pets speach....god how can people believe in such things...

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