sold ducks today opposite JW cart

by nugget 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nugget

    Today my husband and I sold plastic ducks for the annual duck racing fund raising event opposite a JW cart. In the 2hour period we sold over a 100 ducks putting our JW training to good use proactively approaching people, overcoming objections and generally wishing people success. Cantleave went round the local businesses selling to the shops and generally was received positively. It was a happy fun 2 hours spent productively. People were supportive of our cause and happy to participate.

    We were also inside the store with air conditioning, they were outside in the sun.

    In the meantime the JWs manned their cart and in the 2 hour period no literature was taken and they had one conversation in which an elderly lady asked them to take her trolley back to the supermarket. I just don't see the point of it, they talk to one another and even though the area was busy they were invisible to the people around. Even when we pointed out the cart to the person manning the duck stall with us he wasn't even aware of who they were or what they were there for. Jehovah's Witnesses they certainly are not they say nothing, do nothing, represent nothing all they do is pass the time. This is no great shout of praise to Jehovah as suggested by the organisation, the cart was manned by non local JWs so the chances of them coming across people they knew was remote I didn't recognise 3 of the 4 people. It seems like drudgery to me I feel sorry for them.

  • skeeter1

    A lucky ducky day for you!

  • cantleave
  • DesirousOfChange

    It seems like drudgery to me I feel sorry for them.

    But it's part of the ever expanding worldwide work of preaching the Good News so that many, many more can be saved before the Day of Jehovah.

    OR, it will contribute to the 2015 Yearbook report of 2 BILLION hours spent in the Worldwide preaching work standing around doing nothing work.

    Hey, an hour standing around doing nothin' still counts on your Field Service Report and counts toward your pioneer hour requirement.

    Sadly, Starbucks is going to lose a lot of money if JWs are spending 1/2 their Field Service time drinking coffee there.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Nugget and Cantleave ,

    What a lovely way,

    To spend a summer day,

    To donate to a neighborhood event,

    And, you might win something. lol


    PS Who in the GB thought these rolly carts , a good idea???

    I would like to see the GB's wives, sitting in their neighborhood,

    manning one . What a do nothing religion.

  • nugget

    I sums up the whole religion style over substance. Empty and hollow with nothing meaningful to offer.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    How better to represent an invisible kingdom than with mute, unnoticable representatives?

  • JustVisting

    manning a booth in a place where nobody will recognize you leesens the embarrassment plus it's easy to make your time.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Easy time. That is all it is. I expect the doctrine to reflect the poor success as another part of the sign that times are wicked and will come to an end "soon."

  • Quarterback

    Well, it is a bit of a change from knocking on doors. As far as literature being accepted over ducks, you have them beat. Ducks rock.

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