Disfellowshipping - The 10 year rule?

by Gembean 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    *** w65 8/15 p. 497 par. 18 Turning to Jehovah ***

    Over an extensive period of time they live down the blotch of reproach that they have brought on their personal record, with bad impressions also upon people on the outside. If, because of the blameless conduct of one since his reinstatement, the congregation has come to view him as a good example, then if such a person, who was at one time disfellowshiped but has now returned and shown humility, proved his love for Jehovah’s Word and work for ten years after reinstatement, it would be in harmony with the parable of the prodigal son if such one were used as a congregation book study conductor and allowed to give public talks. Later, he may even be privileged to serve in a greater capacity in Jehovah’s organization. If, since his reinstatement, he has proved himself to be an example to the flock of God during ten years of faithful service, and if the congregation committee sees that such a one can be given a greater privilege of service, why not grant it to him? If he has demonstrated that now he is going to stay in the house of his Father for good, and that he is loyal in his devotion to the interests of that house, it would seem that he could safely be entrusted again with greater responsibility in the congregation of Jehovah’s people.

    *** km 12/70 p. 4 Question Box ***

    If at one time a person had been disfellowshiped or disassociated, may he ever give a public talk? This might occur, but only after at least ten years from reinstatement. (For details see “The Watchtower,” 8/15/65, p. 497; “Lamp,” p. 121.)

  • Gembean

    Why indeed.

    I'm not looking to start a new life in JW land at all,

    there are just a few people that I would like to speak to.

    I, along with others am very hurt that "friends" could be so conditional. So logically, even if I could suddenly talk to those, I would never trust or view in the same way again.

    Very simply, I was a child that had just been through multiple traumas (11 & 13) and diagnosed with severe mental health conditions following them, a year later I was allowed to make the decision to get baptised. Less than a year later I sinned. I fornicated which was a symptom of one of the mental health condintions (BPD). I was then disfellowshipped losing any support of any friends and family, 15 years old and with a baby.

  • NewYork44M

    Gem, I hope my comments did not give the impression that I am discounting your struggles. It sounds like you have gone through hell. If it is meant to be that you should speak to these folks, I can assure you that it will happen. But I hope you don't go back just to complete a relationship that was not meant to be.

    Just this week I connected with a person that I have wondered about. Keep your facebook available for those who might be interested in how you are doing.

    Good luck

  • friendaroonie

    Lets just put this thread to rest. Its not worth talking about its so obiously false. Those of us that know, know. And those that don't are not well educated in jws.

  • Quarterback

    One should not be reading to much into this ten year rule. The resources have stated 10 years after reinstatement, the person can qualify for......

    This doesn't imply that a DF person could walk into KH and expect to erase everything as if it didn't happen. There is still the reinstatement that must take place according to the material discussed.

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