WT Says O.K. To Visit With Disfellowshipped Family Members...Discreetly!

by JW GoneBad 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I know what I heard!

    It was a ten minute part. The speaker spent most of the time speaking in general terms of dealing with non-witness family and relatives.

    It was at the tale end of his talk when he focused on df'd family members when the word 'discreetly' was used.

    The point I'm making and the way I interpreted is as I stated earlier:

    'It's no one elses damn business (even the elders) if a JW (no matter how many times) feels the need to visit with df'd family so long as it's done discreetly!'

    It was only in his comments about dealing with df'd family that he used the word discreetly! His statement was brief!!!!

    Now, not everyone would have heard that-especially if while the speaker was making that statement some well endowed sexy hottie (male or female) strolled by.....and there were plenty of them!

    I just happened to be focused on what this knuckle-head was saying about the df'd!!!!

    That's why I'd like to know if someone else caught that same statement who attended another RC.

  • RubaDub

    Sounds like the speaker went a bit "rogue". Probably got chewed out at the end, will likely never ever ever give a talk at an assembly or convention again.

    If it is anything close to what you said you heard, he will have to work hard to get microphone duty in his local congregation in the forseeable future.

    Rub a Dub

  • galaxie

    If this is policy, are we ' the shunned ' going to get a discreet apology? I want mine announced from the platform....then again pigs might fly!!!!!

  • steve2

    When things are poverty-stricken, a starving bird will grab any mouldy old crumb hidden on the cold, hard ground as evidence that a change - no matter how small - is in the wind.

    If you have to seize upon one word - "discreetly" - and excitably read a lot into it, you're that starving bird grabbing an old crumb off the cold, hard ground.

    The ill-effects of starvation include self-delusion.

  • jam

    I'll believe it when my daughter calls me, the one daughter I

    have not talk too in 12 years...

  • Quarterback

    Well, what I got from that part when I heard it. It had a brief demo of a JW who responded to his non JW mom who requested that he miss his meetings for help in preparing for a family gathering. It showed a wrong way of refusing to attend the meeting, and the right way. I don't remember the word DF ever being mentioned in this part. This was the first assembly in fact that we haven't heard DF mentioned in the whole three days. What we got from that part is to show respect for your unbelieving relatives. To not cut them off, but to accomodate them without compromising your Christian obligations. What my wife and I thought is that maybe there is a softer stand to be taken in the future towards family members that are perhaps DF'd, but that is speculation on my part to say this. I'd be interested in other comments who heard that talk. It was on Friday afternoon in the sympsium called, "Family Ties".

  • RubaDub

    His testicles will be used as part of the Conditional Donation Arrangement where funds, securities and testicles are donated to the Society with the proviso that they will be returned if there is a true need.

    Rub a Dub

  • Quarterback

    My apologies, I just consulted my notes. This is what I wrote down.

    "We need to take a stand towards those who are DF'd, those who are inviting us in material pursuits, and to relatives who are pressuring us to miss meetings for family events."

    (Mind you I heard nothing about DF'd relatives)

  • Oubliette

    From Quarterback's RC notes: We need to take a stand towards ... relatives who are pressuring us to miss meetings for family events

    Ah yes, those evil, evil family events. Never miss a meeting for a family event, like: a wedding (your own), your first child's birth, your son's graduation, your daughter's wedding, your mom's cancer surgery, or your father's funeral or any other trivial, non-theocratic event.

    That would make Jehovah sad.

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh the F O G is alive and well I see!




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