WT Says O.K. To Visit With Disfellowshipped Family Members...Discreetly!

by JW GoneBad 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad


    That was the word the speaker used to tell JWs at the Regional Convention that when the need to visit or associate with D'fd family members....Okay to do so......only Discreetly!

    On Friday morning in the 6 part symposium entitled 'What Must Be Kept in Second Place?', the 5th talk on 'Family Ties' the speaker gave the green light to visit with df'd family members and he qualified it with the word Discreetly!

    Anyone else catch that at the convention they attended.

    The way I interpreted his comment was......'It's no one elses damn business (even the elders) if a JW (no matter how many times) feels the need to visit with df'd family so long as it's done discreetly!'

  • cofty

    Marking. Could really do with some confirmation on this.

  • sir82

    Nothing even remotely hinting at that, at the RC I attended.

    Sounds like the speaker went a bit "rogue". Probably got chewed out at the end, will likely never ever ever give a talk at an assembly or convention again.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I'm with Cofty on this...some confirmation would be nice.

    Knowing WT, if this statement was made from the platform, it was not in the outline.

    sir82 is spot on....that brother will probably never give a talk at an assembly again.

  • DesirousOfChange

    After the WTS Spy reads this post, it will definitely NOT be stated at any other Dist Convention.


  • Bobcat

    If this was a rogue statement, I would be surprised that the DC overseer didn't correct it later for the audience. This is a big WT doctrine at stake.

    Sometimes it is hard to get a verbal statement, heard only once, and without knowing that it is coming, straight. Then again, sometimes speakers get their words mangled and things don't come out as intended.

  • cofty

    This is a very big deal.

    Can you recall specifically what he said?

    It would be interesting to call HQ with an exact quote and ask them if they endorse it.

  • Londo111


  • Oubliette

    Yeah, this sounds like the speaker went off the reservation. I'll believe it when I see it in print.

  • Apognophos

    I don't even believe the speaker said it unless it's corroborated by another person who was there.

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