does the org monitor this site?

by venting 33 Replies latest jw friends


    Holy Spirit!?!?


  • joe134cd

    Oh shit I never thought of using that as a reason for knowing things so far in advance.

  • villagegirl

    Copyright of printed and distributed material is not illegal

    if you only copy portions of a book or magazine and give

    credit to the source. Before 1923 all copyright has been extinguished

    by the passage of time. 1923-1989 items published without

    copyright notice are in the Public Domain.

  • fiddler

    There is a dilemma I think If they are reading on this site. That is the fact that they WILL get their eyes opened IF they have functioning brain cells. So, fear of learning TTAT might mean that they DON'T look here.

    But we know that they do.

    So they are either total morons or.......

    They look and know full well the scam that they are perpetuating. Shame, shame on them!

  • venting

    I always wondered why they tell us never to look at apostate stuff or sites like this. But they always seem to know what the so called "apostates are saying. Like some of the things in the proclaimers book. So we can't read it, but they can! Interesting. Venting.

  • joe134cd

    Venting= the irony of it all.

  • Phizzy

    I have long held to the hypothesis that at the very top of the org is a bunch of guys who know it is all Bull**** and are not "believers" in any real sense.

    They include Financial and Legal experts.

    These are the guys who advise the GB, and therefore shape policy and influence doctrinal changes, and say what can and cannot appear in Print, but all for the aim of preserving the Borg, and keeping the $$$ flowing in.

    They are doing an efficient job.

    For some of these guys to spend a short time monitoring this Site and others is not going to affect their faith, they have none. All it does is help in their decision making.

  • punkofnice

    I believe they look for general trends and react to them.

    As for individuals then I doubt it. Whether the elders do this or not I do not know but when I was an elder this wasn't the depends on the desicion of the biggest bully on the BOE.

  • Apognophos

    I think you guys are overestimating the effect of information on someone's beliefs when they don't want to change their mind. Witnesses can read a few topics on here and not be affected if they don't want to be. A knowledgeable Witness already knows the org.'s historical controversies, at any rate.

    I'm sure that if some brothers at Bethel, such as in Writing, do look at apostate sites for research on what apostates are saying, they're looking in on us much like we look at animals in a zoo -- "So that's what they're up to now" -- and don't exactly have a desire to jump the fence and join us.

  • Oubliette

    Here's a great thread for any lurking elders:

    A Message to Active Elders Lurking on JWN

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