does the org monitor this site?

by venting 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • kneehighmiah

    Agree with the above comments. They don't give a bleep about hunting down faders or even elders. They do care about protecting copyrighted material. They hate elders letters being leaked. But it doesn't look like they can stop it. They also read about their logical fallacies and attempt to close the gaps. They also know jws are reading apostate material, so the occasionally act to provide plausible explanations. there are some big changes in the wings for the organization. They really don't care about losing people anymore.

  • prologos

    if wt writers read comments here, they must know that the case for their position is hopeless.

    example msecodo's observation above.

    If Loesch thinks that his 1925 [really 1918] talk comment, that rutherford meant the general population would NEVER die, satisfies as a refutation of the false prophet designation, he is wrong. Or is he preparing the way for a 'niversal salvation' doctrine based on googling? and overlapping gnerations not just for the anointed but all?


    YES. We are actually smarter than than they are, because we are unbiased. We simply deduce what CANNOT be true from the WTBTS. The problem for the WTBTS is that even if they read our incredible deductions, they cannot implement enough changes. They have painted themselves into such a corner that there is no real escape. The longer we play the game, the more honest and unbiased people will realize that the WTBTS corrupt.

    Imagine a JW waking up 2 years from now and realizing that we have predicted the Corporation's next moves on a consistent basis. Then they look back on past posters and realize that they did the same! It will only strengthen their resolve to escape the TOWER. The WTBTS cant stop the truth coming out. They can only morph and twist and DF a few of us. If JC does not send divine punishment on all religions and teach humanity the real truth SOON, Jwism really will become another mainstream sect of Xianity. The writing is on the wall.

    They will be be serving meals to the homeless from their trolley carts pretty soon. Or perhaps out of their stupid clown van they built. Or perhaps JW.Borg stores will serve a simple meal to any who need it? This will all be done to protect the ORG from litigation, but the head-bobbing dubs will believe that things have always been this way.



    Also, what can they REALLY do? Hack this site illegally and get people's names?? Can you even imagine the massive S***storm that would create?!?! They could never come up with enough scams for donations to dig themselves out.


  • Honesty

    I hope so.

    They'll learn TTATT if they do.

  • joe134cd

    I believe they would be fools if they didn't. Hunting people down vs copy right infringement thats about the only thing they can do with any teeth to it, as it's a free world I can say what I like, and been a faceless person is a beautiful thing. The one thing that surprises me is just how quickly information spreads on sites like this. In every case I'm finding out information weeks sometimes months before it's read to the R&F. I remember on the day of the AGM a brother thinking he was well ahead of the game with knowing about the new Bible. I just thought if only he really knew. Sometimes I'm finding out things so far in advance I physically have to keep my mouth shut, as I wouldn't be able to explain how I knew. It surprises me really that Wt isn't been more transparent with its policies and procedures (e.g reading half letters for donations) because they would have to realise if they aren't then there will be some mentally diseased apostate who is only to happy to share, and they won't have a great deal of diplomacy in how they do it.

  • quellycatface

    They might even learn something here.

    P.s - no one likes you.

  • problemaddict

    Welcome first post Mecido!

    Nice add. So I suppose when the number of people alive during that talk lowers below one million, they will make another soft backpeddle.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    I heard from another poster that they were outed by being snooped on by somebody at another ultra-jw forum. Across continents no less. It happens.

  • stuckinarut2

    I learned so much in advance from this site just over the last year or two! (and had to pretend to be amazed when the letters were officially read by some git elder who acted like he had been given secret stuff shhhh)

    New bibles

    Reduced magazine sizes etc...

    No more two day circuit assembly

    End of District overseers

    COBE step aside at 80 years old

    Countless "new Light teachings"

    Change of "special (hate that term) schools"


    How do we all know stuff before the Congs do????

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