Jehovah's Witnesses "New Donation" Arrangement Update!

by Littleleslie 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • grumblecakes

    Mike & Kim, dont change a thing! Love you guys!!

    Critics-you dont have to love every single persons style of making videos. You are welcome to your own opinion. Hell, youre welcome to make your own videos. Mike and Kim are free to create yheir videos as they see fit. Moreover they actually ARE helping people not just with their videos but individually. They are dedicating a hell of a lot of their own time to the cause. They deserve serious props for that.

    I agree that thecomment on drinking was waaaaay out of line. Theyve never been even buzzed in a video (most of the time theyre drinking tea). A drink? One? Really?!?! Remember waaay back in the day, in the congregation, when we had to watch our backs and walk on eggshells constantly so as not to "stumble someone".................(heavy sigh).

  • DesirousOfChange

    I'm sorry.

    I certainly didn't mean for it to go so negative.

    I meant to convey that I REGRET not being able to watch something of such length.

    Going back to my room now.


  • minimus

    Doc , I gotcha. Different strokes for different folks!

  • Fernando

    As a voracious viewer and reader I am forced to allocate most of my time to resources that are clear, concise and to the point.

    5 minute videos are great.

    1-3 minute videos even better.

    Mike and Kim are setting a great example of how we all could one day fearlessly "come out" on YouTube.

    Something like the many "I was a Mormon: Name Surname" videos on YouTube.

  • Fernando
  • shopaholic

    I enjoy Mike & Kim's videos. Everyone has a story to tell and I'm glad we don't all tell it the same way. What comes across as jibberish to some may be comforting to others.

    Regarding the donation arrangement, it's good to hear that some JWs are seeing this for racket it is. All the JWs I know think its a sign that we are even closer to the end.

  • clarity

    Omg .....DOC come out of your room ...plse!

    Just wanted to point out that their way of presenting

    videos, is how they are Sorry sweety, didn't

    mean to hurt your feelings, there is no right or wrong

    here.........guess I feel very protective of them.


    Whether short or long vids, or anything else

    that will warn & wake-up those stuck in the cults,

    I say a huge thank you for all your hard work!

    (so sorry for the hijack)


  • KateWild

    I like Mike and Kim, and I watch their videos.

    The point that surprised me the most was that elders actually believe the WT is clearing their debts. I don't understand how elders can fall for this. In reality WT are setting up a new system of everlasting payments.

    Why are some JW elders not grasping this? WT don't give money to cong for KHs, they just lend. If a cong cannot make repayments, they dont get the money or KH.

    Thanks Mike and Kim for showing us that elders are falling for this scam.

    Kate xx



    Mike And Kims Video Is Helping Get The Word Out..



    ..................JEHOVAHS WITNESSES..................................Don`t Listen to........Send Us Your Money..

    ......................ARE BEING ROBBED................................... iMike & Kim!!..........And Go Back To Sleep!..


    ............................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Vidiot

    Is it just me, or does Outlaw's pic of Stephen Lett remind anyone else of Ted Haggard?

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