"Honour" Killing in Pakistan

by cofty 54 Replies latest social current

  • cofty

    The decision to murder Farzana was taken by her own father and brothers.

    It is the mysogyny of Islam that makes it possible for men to think it is a virtue to dispose of their own daughter as though she was their personal possession.

    Read the account in the OT of the daughter in Sodom being given away by her father to be raped and murdered. Why should we be surprised? Eve was created as an afterthought. The Law forbid a man from coveting his neighbours ass or his field of his wife or anything belonging to his neighbour. It permitted a man to murder his wife if she didn't bleed on his wedding night. This is the culture that makes these attrocities possible.

    The status of women in Muslim countries, and even in Western ones, is a disgrace. Until Muslim boys are raised to understand that women are their equals in every regard this will continue. While the pedophile prophet Muhammad contines to be regarded as a paragon of virtue nothing will change.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    new hope: But can i possibly understand the cause of this killing? My instinct is not to blame religion but the pull of the crowd.


    Without the religion telling them this is what god wants, how likely is it a parent's natural inclination, when their child does something they don't like, is to stone them to death? No normal, rational parent even thinks that way.

    This behavior is precisely what the Koran instructs its adherents to do. They act the way they do because of their religion; and, theit conscience is not a factor...it never is in matters of "faith".

  • KateWild

    They are not robots, they must have known what was going on around them. - New hope

    Their sons are trained to think they are better than their duaghters, they are like power driven robots, making all their female family members bend to their will.

    Until Muslim boys are raised to understand that women are their equals in every regard this will continue.-cofty

    I agree, we also need to train our boys in the western world, there is still a lot of sexism here in the UK, especially in reagrds to prosecuting men for DV. I am addamant that my son does not become a sexist wife beater. But I need the professonals to act on what has happened and what he has witnessed to help instill that men cannot get away with violence and oppression against women. His dad is still taking him to sexist JW meetings, I would hate to think of him being indoctrinated to feel he is superior just because he is male.

    Kate xx

  • JWdaughter

    Ther ar arrsts and warrants out. Against th law and religion but stupidity often trumps all.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Cofty i am not sure i can understand! islam can bring death to numberless women, yet the words " i love" could have still have once passed between farzanas dad and Farzana? if it once did then how can that love stop living? Maybe someday people will understand that the blessing and love of our children is so important, it should be our daily bread, more than air,and more than APPEARANCE.

    Yes i think religion and appearance are sort of connected. Just trying to understand.

  • hamsterbait

    kate - it is a pity you didnt tell the driver and demand that the transport police be called. You had witnessed an assault on public transport. he should have been arrested then and there.

    Women on busses should gang up on a man like that and make him regret his sorry existence.

    When will muslim women start to fight back??

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    They had an article in the paper, a man actor shots and hits a woman and people intervined.( rightly so) but when the roles were reversed and the woman was shouting and hitting the man, people laughed.

  • Finkelstein

    There is no Honor in cruel beguiling barbarism whether it comes from religious ideology or not.

    Shocking in this day and age that people are acting with this kind of social behavior.

    Becomes even more shocking that there are family members who are taking part of these killings

    against these women/girls.

  • cofty

    yet the words " i love" could have still have once passed between farzanas dad and Farzana?

    I'm sure it did. My parents still claim to love me but their religion forbids them from speaking to me. If they were required to stone me to death as an apostate I think they would do it.

    When will muslim women start to fight back??

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali did. Now she goes everywhere with armed bodyguards.

  • KateWild

    Good point Hampsterbait, I suppose at the time I was concerned if my daughter had understood what had gone on and recognised it was wrong. She had of course. Maybe in the future, I am armed better now. Hindsight is such a wonderful thing.

    Kate xx

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