Sign of the Time of the End ---> Armagaddon

by Waiting4TheKingdom 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • Waiting4TheKingdom


    1 World leaders say “Peace and security!” - They "say" this but may not fully "achieve" this. This will be proclaimed on a global scale.

    2 Nations attack and destroy “Babylon the Great” - Using the United Nations, ALL of False Religion is attached (attacked, outlawed, removed,etc..) including the chief False Religion Christiandom who claims to speak in God's behalf.

    3 Attack on Jehovah’s people- Toward the END or after "Babylon the Great" is destroyed, World Leaders discerne the smaller organization of God's People and will set its sights on us, knowing full well that we DO NOT get involved in the affairs of this world, its wars or anything, but still WE ARE ORGANIZED and this makes the World Leaders Worried/Angry.

    4 War of Armageddon - Once they attempt to attack Gods People,... then Jehovah God will use his Mighty King Son to completely destroy the Governenments (AND all those who follow and believe in them), NO sign of them will be remaining. No Gov'ts, No UN, No False Religion...

    5 Christ throws Satan and his demons into the abyss - They are removed for the 1000 year Reign of our King, Christ Jesus

    Remember this,.... meditate on it,... we will begin to see signs of this VERY, VERY soon, ...but you must be watchful.... especially as #3 begins, you'll have to CHOOSE at that time, who you will follow...

    God Speed to you all...

  • DuvanMuvan

    If you say so

  • jgnat

    1. People are always yearning for peace and security! In context the bible verse (1 Thess. 5:3) is dramatizing the suddenness of the event, not a marker. Similarly, in Matthew 24:38, the people of Noah's day were eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage right up to the day of the flood. Does this mean that eating, drinking, and marrying were precursors, or that people will be doing this right up to the moment of calamity? We have always been doing these things. It is called being human.

  • westiebilly11

    ..followed by tea in the garden.....

    as for no3...they're already being attacked by their own hierachy...and drained of all cash too...

    and I might ask why are you on this 'apostate riddled' site?.....naughty

  • jgnat

    2. The United Nations is not Babylon the Great. It is gender-neutral, neither male or female. Also, the buildings are not dripping in jewels. Babylon the Great is hedonism personified. This is not how I would characterize the UN.

  • Waiting4TheKingdom

    Nah,....haha... NO TEA IN THE GARDEN... funny... harsh times,... hard times,... time for rebuilding... only the TOUGH will survive, place for wimps....

  • jgnat

    3. The world leaders are not worried about Jehovah's Witnesses. In fact, the UN has defended Jehovah's Witnesses to worship as their please. It's in their charter.

  • Waiting4TheKingdom

    Who said the UN was Babylon the GREAT...don't you study..??? B the G is WORLD EMPIRE OF FALSE RELIGION...!!

  • Heaven
  • Waiting4TheKingdom

    WestieBilly.... TRUTH,,... finds a way... lol

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