In our local news... Jehovah's Witnesses LIED to Man with Brain injury

by Newly Enlightened 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iamallcool

    Contact Dateline.

  • rebel8

    What I'd like to say is a violation of the posting rules on this forum.

    So instead I will say, "Oh fiddlesticks. What stinkers. I wish H E double hockeysticks was real so they could go there."

    Construction is apparently restricted to certain times a day in that jurisdiction and the FB page claims the dubs are not compliant. They called the police.

  • XstuckX

    pretty stupid if you ask me. if the view means that much they should have bought property where this wasn't a possibility.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Alpha Man: The gall of this family to complain to the authorities. They should feel priviledged to have a view of the center of true worship in the community right outside their back window.



    It's not so much the blockage of his view that most disturbs him; it's the 24 hour glow from the giant halo over the build site that keeps him awake at night!


    xstuck: pretty stupid if you ask me. if the view means that much they should have bought property where this wasn't a possibility.

    Really?? Are you a JW?

    Actually, any building on the site did not present problems with blocking his view IF the JWs had held to their agreement with him. Besides, HE was there first, not the KH. The neighbor is not being unreasonable. A workable option was in place that would've preserved his view and allowed the JWs to build the KH.

  • blondie

    The WTS likes to cite this scripture to show that conducting business with relatives or even fellow believers, that you should get a written contract, properly witnessed. Always get it in writing, trust no one. I hope he had some eyewitnesses who heard this promise.

    (Jeremiah 32:9-12) 9 So I proceeded to buy from Han a·mel the son of my paternal uncle the field that was in An ′ a·thoth. And I began to weigh out to him the money, seven shekels and ten silver pieces. 10 Then I wrote in a deed and affixed the seal and took witnesses as I went weighing the money in the scales. 11 After that I took the deed of purchase, the one sealed according to the commandment and the regulations, and the one left open; 12 and I then gave the deed of purchase to Bar ′ uch the son of Ne·ri ′ ah the son of Mah·sei ′ ah before the eyes of Han ′ a·mel [the son of] my paternal uncle and before the eyes of the witnesses, those writing in the deed of purchase, before the eyes of all the Jews who were sitting in the Courtyard of the Guard.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Sure, WT would like to think that only a written contract has any weight in this situation, but they also conveniently forget Jesus' simple statement, "Let your yes mean yes".

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "GENERALLY, true Christians do not have to make sworn oaths. This is because they obey Jesus, who said: "Just let your word Yes mean Yes." He meant that a person should keep his word." (W 10/15/12, p.27)


    Typical WT....sounds good in print but has no application in the real world as far as JWs are concerned.

  • BluesBrother

    Strange situation... I am surprised, not at the J W response but at the planning and development laws that allow this to happen.

    I have had development of property next door to me. In the U K when such things are proposed the Town Council has to write to all neghbours and tell them about it and invite their comments & objections. Significantly, if it materially changes, they have to write again and tell the neighbours and invite their comments...even if they are not always acted on, at least the neighbours know & can object...

    Are the rules more lax in New Mexico? Can you just do what you like? Obviously a "handshake agreement " is insufficient. I cannot see the dubs changing it now

  • leaving_quietly

    Phil 2:3,4: Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with humility consider others superior to you, as you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.

    Phil 2:20,11: For I have no one else of a disposition like his who will genuinely care for your concerns. For all the others are seeking their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.

  • Giordano

    Sorry this happened to the guy. From the photograph it looks like a development in progress.

    If the view was everything to this person they should have factored in an empty lot that could potentially block the view. Someone didn't check that lot out.

    Zoning issues and and construction has to be up to the standards of local towns or cities or counties......... to get a building permit. As far as moving the building new plans have to be approved or at least the issues like water, sewer, access, parking lot have to be reviewed.

    Some questions and answers from people who actually live in the area shed some more light on the issue.


    • Confused! • 18 days ago

      What would have happened if another neighbor decided to build a two story house? What I would questions is who bought their land first and had plans to build first? At that point you then need to point fingers to the buyer and the realtor for not doing their due diligence.

      • Avatar Save Jim's View Confused! 17 days ago

        The Jehovah's Witnesses bought first. In fact at the very beginning - we thought the Kingdom Hall might be up before our strawbale home. We bought second. Our builder and realtor did a lot of due diligence trying to get accurate blue prints of their building but were given the run around at City Hall and by the Jehovah's Witnesses. In fact when we bought, City Hall would not even disclose what kind of congregation owned the plot next to us. We learned through a member of the JW community who worked with our realtor, that it was Jehovah's Witness.

        Often in a sub division a church can be bult in a residentual neighborhood in an areaed zoned for that. A Lot of KH's are in or close to a Neighborhood.

        Not getting information may have more to do with freedom of religion laws then trying to hide which church it is.

        As far as building placement goes everything has to be approved, a major change means changes in water and sewer lines, drive ways and parking area.

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