Well, what can you say???? I am speechless.

by DATA-DOG 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Exhibit A:

    Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15

    "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone!"

    Comment: If a young person in 1969 would never grow old, then logically, the parent of that child would also never grow old.

    Exhibit B:

    Watchtower ( Study Edition ) March 2014

    - Honor the Aged Among You-

    Review box:

    • What responsibilities do adult children have toward their aging parents?

    - Providing care for the Elderly-

    Review box:

    • How can parents and their adult children prepare for “the days of distress”?

    • What situations might indicate that your parents’ needs have changed?

    • In practical terms, what can you do to assist when someone is caring for an elderly parent?

    A gem from paragraph #2:

    2 One article on care for the elderly states: “While it is difficult to discuss the issues of aging, the family who has discussed the options and agreed on plans will be better able to handle whatever happens.” The value of such a discussion is best appreciated when we acknowledge that trials that come with age cannot be avoided. Still, we can make certain preparations and advance decisions. Let us consider how families may lovingly cooperate to plan to meet some of the challenges.


    "The value of such a discussion is best appreciated when we acknowledge that trials that come with age cannot be avoided."

    One more time:

    A) "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things." 1969 Awake.

    B) "The value of such a discussion [ the WT article] is best appreciated when we acknowledge that trials that come with age cannot be avoided." March WT, 2014.


  • mrquik

    I remember that one. Sure glad I'll never grow old. I wonder who that old guy is that stares back at me in the mirror? Problem of taking care of my aging Witness mother? No problem at all; she died waiting for the "end".

  • BU2B

    Really powerful to see these quotes side by side isnt it? Nice work

    The very people that the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" promised would NEVER GROW OLD are now in need of care from their dubbie kids because they NEVER PREPARED financially, or emotionally for EVEN THE POSSIBILITY they would get old. They were PROMISED by "JEHOVAHS MOUTHPIECE". The position aging JWs (baby boomers) are in is a direct result of the lies of the governing body. They of course take 0 responsibilty in this. Now it all falls on the already poor JW kids to take care of them. The article posted leaves NO ROOM for interpretation. The promise was FACE THE FACT that you will never grow old, OR FULFILL ANY CAREER! The end was only a few years away AT MOST! No apology. No adimssion of guilt. Its not just that quote either. The end has only been a few years away, or right around the corner, or in the final minutes for decades now. In that type of environment, people do not prepare for a future that they have been told will never come. Well now it has, and they are not prepared. JW parents should be ashamed of themselves for buying into the lies and promises of mortal men, irresponsibly not preparing for the reality that has visited every living thing ever, now becoming a burden on their children. These articles make me want to throw up. I think I will study them with my wife and I will print out the 69 Awake article with pertinent parts highlighted and hand them to her. I will be giving her the "truth" in 1969. I will be handing her "food at the proper time" from the "faithful and discreet slave" If nothing else, it should devalue her devotion to what is printed now.

    My parents are in this position. Aging, unemployed. My family does not have much as it is.

    Another thing that grinds my gears is this picture in the lessoA family meeting with an elderly parent to discuss needs and strategies

    HOW MANY JWs if they followed the WT advice about no higher education, making the pioneer service the full time career would have a nice home like the one in the picture? How about none! The only JWs that live this way either got their education and career started before becoming JW or those who ignored the "timely counsel"

  • BU2B

    If my parents want to live with me as they grow old, they will have to accept living with a person who openly disagrees with WT teachings, and reminds them when they gush over the latest issue of the WT, how it was that magazines bad advice and falsehoods that put us in the position we are in. They will have to respect me, my boundaries, and there will be no indoctrination of my children going on. I will make it clear that if they try to push JW stuff or bug me about meetings, I will send them to the county home.

  • 4thgen

    And we bought it hook line and sinker......

  • BU2B

    gotta love how in the lower right hand corner of the picture, someone is studying this very lesson! COOORRRNNNNYYY!

  • punkofnice

    Good catch

    "The value of such a discussion [ the WT article] is best appreciated when we acknowledge that trials that come with age cannot be avoided." March WT, 2014.

    So, New Light(tm) - Armageddon(tm) isn't coming?

  • Laika

    This doesn't matter, I know JWs have the truth because they don't believe in hell or the Trinity. Yes, JWs have made mistakes, but Jehovah doesn't care about that because the governing body are just imperfect men, Jehovah only cares about other people's mistakes.

  • lriddle80

    The problem with that is that they claim to be "Jehovah's mouthpiece" or whatever and are the only ones who Jehovah communicates with. Ok, so if Jehovah is communication with them, why do they keep getting it wrong? Are they just too imperfect to listen correctly? It makes no sense. They tell the people what to believe and say it is from Jehovah, then when it doesn't happen, they say they are imperfect. No. That's not right. That's not the truth.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you were 18 in May of 1969, then you are now 63.
    If you had heeded the advice of the Watchtower, you are probably working hard for low wages and retirement is not really practical for you.
    If you live in the United States, you probably plan to keep working until you maximize Social Security and have Medicaid in place.
    There's nothing wrong with hard work and money isn't everything. It's just a shame that Watchtower decided for you.

    If you heeded the advice, you probably don't have an adult child to take care of you as the March mag. suggests. Afterall, the end was so close and times were so wicked, so it was no time to have children.
    What do you think the congregation will do to help you if you cannot continue to work until you die and social security just isn't enough?

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