Did other JWs judge you? What for?

by Julia Orwell 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobert

    I was only a teenager, but they judged me for my long hair, my liberal opinions, and for listening to metal, lol. They didn't act hostile or anything, they were all still good friends.

  • Finkelstein

    Did other JWs judge you? What for?

    Thats very much a part of being a JWs is judging others ( a showing of spritual strength) in the congregation,

    not necessarily helping others but judging them.

    As judging others is constructive toward your own apparent and appealing righteousness before the eyes of god..


    I even get judged by the occasional visiting sister who is a JWS for stupid untruthful things and she does this to compose

    something show that I'm being unrighteous .

    It goes with the mental indoctrination that JWS go through in this high controlling religious cult,

    inside the Kingdom Halls as well out .

  • wanderlust

    I was counseled several times and judged for my decision to go to college. I felt judged for not succeeding in bringing my non-jw parents and siblings into the "truth" and now i'm grateful that they are not.

    Additionally, two sisters cornered me after a meeting to tell me my skirt was too short (it was .5 inches above my knee! gtfohwtbs!). A young brother told me they were just jealous because they couldn't pull off that skirt and then i felt better. A holy roller "counseled" me about my cartilage piercing. Umm...that's about it. Not too bad - there are judgmental folks inside and outside of the cult so I have learned to grow a thicker skin.

  • A.proclaimer

    I got judged for having "long hair", long by JW standards, longer than the average JW. I would be told to go get a haircut, or sometimes made fun of. One time in field service, the Elder's wife started questioning my hair and my brother's, telling is it was long. She started to make fun of us cause of that, cause we didn't get it cut once a month and didn't want to get it cut at that moment when a kid in our group went to get get his in the middle of field service. Then a few other congregation membera joined her. Not the first time I had my "long hair" caused an issue. Nowadays I keep it shorter for my own reasons, not because of them. But it was still embarrassing and not fun when that happened.

    Ironically, I wore a stubble for a few months and no one said anything, except my mother who kept nagging me about it. I still got to do the microphones a few times too. The new congregation I go to didn't say anything about it, at least to me.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Single mums and sisters who divorce their drop kick Jw husbands on non 'scriptural' grounds cop a lot of the hairy eyeball. And sisters who marry non believers: well the watchtower itself says they're rebellious and not waiting on Jehovah.

  • factfinder

    I had a Totes tan hat I used to wear. Elders, servents and a few others said I had a "Jewish Theological hat" and for months I was not allowed to pray in the cong or Aux pioneer. It was just a hat I bought at Sears!

    There was a lot of anti-semitism in the congregation.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    For earning a 6-figure salary...

  • jam

    We were judged when we won money on a game show, but

    a lot of friends became very close. LOL

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    They DO. For:

    missing meetings for work

    having a good job/income/house/vehicle

    "allowing" my wife to work when she doesn't need to

    never commenting

    never going in service

    skipping meetings for weeks at a time

    always showing up after the song/prayer

    wearing a beard most of the time

    shall I go on? My wife also feels the cold, judgmental shoulder from our local cong. She thinks it's just the locals, but soon she will see it is all JWs.

  • sparrowdown

    I was judged for dressing too sexy by the old biddy man-haters club. I wore smart, but definitely feminine business wear.

    In reality I dont' think it was the clothes they had a problem with, it was the body underneath, ( hey, I can't help having roundy female bits!)

    I also have a very small heart tattoo on my ankle, they did'nt like that either, ( got so sick of the judgy glares I ended up covering it with a bandaid for meetings).

    How I looked and dressed was just the beginning.

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