Had an argument with my wife about tinkerbell :(

by BU2B 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Vidiot

    Laika -"There's a Caleb video on that. "

    There's a JWapp for that...

    Laika - "'Don't steal or Jehovah won't want to be your friend.' is the message. "

    Makes God sound like that annoying kid in elementary school who always asked for your snack at recess, promising to "be your best frieeee-eeeeend...."

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    Sisters are not meant to be Tinkerbelles.

    They're supposed to be Wendys.

  • Vidiot

    Data-Dog - "I always thought Tink had a sweet little A** on her."

    Well, she was modeled after Marilyn Monroe.

  • jgnat

    I don't see any Wendy costumes at the Disney Store! At that age my granddaughter dressed up (for Halloween! Gasp!) as a fairy-angel-princess.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    jgnat, I said subconsciously because he said in his post he knew he would have a problem with his wife about the blanket. If he had put the blanket in the trunk or in a bag that wasn't at his daughter's reach in the backseat, there would not have been a confrontation. He would have had the opportunity to speak with his wife about the blanket as he said he intended. That is why I suggested that it was subconscious. It was only a suggestion--not an accusation!!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I think she got more than a little embarrassed when I told her I was taking it back to my co worker and telling her what she said about it

    If she's so confident about where she "draws the line," your doing this should not be a problem. . . . Unless she's EMBARASSED (which she has good reason to be).

  • MissFit

    How's the blanket battle going? Did Tink get a reprieve? Hope things are better on the home front.


  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    yes BU2B - an update please on the Great Tinkerbell Scandal

  • dogon

    This shit has been going on for decades. I remember back in the 80s one sister Marie Meeks in Arcadia had a kid named Kimberly, she like the smurfs. They brought her to KH one Thursday night in smruf PJs. Jesus Christ on a popcicle stick, I thought they were going to lynch her. One of the guys I hung with Bill Traver had a smurf pin he wore on the back side of his lapel hidden in silent protest. LOL

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    You mean faries ... aren't real? Say it isn't so!

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