Had an argument with my wife about tinkerbell :(

by BU2B 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BU2B

    One of my co workers mother made my 4 year old a blanket with the Disney character tinkerbell on it. As soon as I got it I knew trouble lay ahead. I wanted to reason with her before my daughter saw it so as not to cause a disruption, but it didn't work out that way. My daughter spotted it in a bag in the back seat. She said "you know that has tinkerbell on it right daddy?" I said "yes I do". She said "Jehovah don't like that". I asked "who told you Jehovah doesnt like her?" She said "because momma told me Jehovah don't like faries". I asked her, how does momma know what Jehovah likes And doesn't like?" She said, "I don't know". I told her that there is nothing wrong with faries since they are make believe and part of your imagination. I also told her that she can't believe everything she hears. She got quiet and said ok.

    later on when getting home a confrontation began

  • stuckinarut2

    So sorry to hear about this drama! It's so much worse when a little child is involved.

    ask your wife if she would ever go to a Disneyland Theme park?

    If so, how can she act with double standards?

  • LisaRose

    Yikes, Tinkerbell? Really??? I was never that hard core, we went to Disneyland a lot, I just considered it fantasy and make believe. I am glad you used the opportunity to reason with your daughter, it's important for her to see there are different ways to think about things.

  • Splash

    Didn't you know that there are fairies in the Bible?

    (Zechariah 5:9)
    Then I raised my eyes and saw, and here there were two women coming forth, and wind was in their wings. And they had wings like the wings of the stork.


  • BU2B

    i came downstairs later hearing my girl announcing proudly that DADDY SAYS THEIRS NOTHING WRONG WITH TINKERBELL.. Oh boy I should have seen this coming (sigh). My wife in full drone female android mode says, "it's wrong if I say it's wrong" and "it's magic so it's bad". I told her how when I was growing up, I watched Peter pan, THAT'S WHY THEIR CALLED FAIRY TALES!! It's just imagination . She theN went into some tirade about how she draws the line here because where does it end, now what WON'T she watch! I am just dumbfounded. i asked her what has changed? Why do JW flock down to Orlando to see MAGIC KINGDOM?? Why is that ok? (She always talks about going to Disney worlds). i said what about talking animals? Why are they ok? an animal talking is magical is t it? Seems like uncanny powers to me.. Why would we want to imitate the snake in the garden? When I was growing up there was no problem with Peter Pan, Cinderella, Snow Whother the wizard of oz or any other fairy tale. Since th sparlock DVD everything is getting more extreme! I told my wife that I am going to take the blanket back to my coworker and explIn why she can't have it. I'm going to tell her that you feel it's demonic and evil and dangerous for her to play with. My wife said "No you don't need to do that!" We can just give it to another kid! I said if its so bad, why pass on the evil to another? I sarcastically said that maybe it would give a fine witness to my co worker that we return The evil fairy blanket! She said she does not want to hurt my co workers feelings. I said aren't we supposed to tell the truth? She said "I'm just trying to teach her SOMETHING!" I asked "whadisses that even mean? Teach her what?" No response. I was very upset, and now my daughter has seen the difference of opinion. That is FINE with me. I want her to see that it is not ME OR ANY GOD that is restricting her, it is her mother. I want her to see me as a reasonable voice that doesn't condemn everything fun. I then took my daughter to the park to play with some "worldly kids" and hike with her down some trails. She had a ball. When I got home my Borg companion was still acting sullen. She eventually melloed out when she saw how much fun mu daughter had with me. i mellowed out with a dark rum and gingrr beer coctail. MY GOD! why are these people so neurotic and wierd?? Why do I have to be married to and have kids with a religious extremist! I mean tinkerbell really??? this religion IS GETTING MORE EXTREME. Things thst were ok in my childhood are now taboo. The Borg Siemens bent on stripping whatever small joys of childhood there are left away. Everything has to be wrong and dirty. I must be they're for my kids to inject sanity into their lives.

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh boy...I really feel your frustration mate!

    That all sounds so very draining!

    please remember that you are not alone even when these things are occurring. So many of us agree with you, and would be glad to associate with you as s friend.

    you sound like a great parent! Keep up the good work! Your daughter will thank you one day

  • jgnat

    Sorry this turned in to a confrontation. Out mall-walking we came across a collectibles store yesterday. In amongst the Anime figurines, the Dr. Who memorabilia and the Star Trek statuettes, was a full case of these:


  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Good for you- time to introduce your daugther to the idea that she can't believe everything that Momma says. Also good for sticking up for your child to have a childhood using imagination and fantasy rather than grim fantasy portrayed as fact. Also time fro your wife to start to uidnerstandt hat she is abusing your child by literally taking away the magic and replacing it with fear and loathing. Good luck Fraz

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Maybe you coud lighten the mood by asking your wife this: "What do you call a smelly fairy?... Stinkerbell" You are going to have to work very hard to get your wife to lighten up otherwise she is going to destroy your daughter's childhood. The cult propaganda is so insidious. My son was so relieved when I told him Spartlock was rubbish and he should not worry about anything in that ridiculous DVD.

  • KateWild


    I am so glad to hear that you stood up for your daughter's happiness, and you didn't let the confrontation stop you from having fun with her. If you continue to give her this much attention I am sure your wife will come around to the fact you are doing this out of love. I do hope so.

    I gave my 12yr old son Xmas and a birthday in December for the first time, my ex found out and stopped my son having any contact with me. He hasn't seen me since Jan. Try and stay on good terms with your wife as best you can. All the best.

    Kate xx

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