This new donation direction and true selfishness!

by stuckinarut2 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "...see how we can spend all of our tens of thousands of dollars quickly in local projects BEFORE the deadline to hand all funds over to the society!!"


    I wonder if WT is thinking the same thing? They see all this free cash sitting in cong. bank accounts, so WT makes a move on it, and spends it before some anticipated storm (pedophilia lawsuits/ new tax laws) materializes which would otherwise take that money away forever.


    A few years ago, when the economy was really good, the city I live in collected something to the tune of several hundred million dollars in tax revenue above its budgetary needs. Sitting on this pile of money, the poiticians began arguing about what useless projects they'd squander all this new-found cash on. Some suggested saving it for a rainy day; some very delusional people made a wildly crazy suggestion: 'why not just return it to the people it belonged to in the first place- the taxpayers?!' Of course, that was quickly shot down as unreasonable.

    In the case of tens of thousands of dollars sitting in a cong. account, why not just return it to the people it belonged to in the first place- Joe Average JW Publisher- instead of wasting it on useless/unnecessary projects? Or, god forbid! do some charitable works with it. Of course, doing charitable works comes too close to Christianity for WT, so that option is not on the table.

  • Fernando

    From ^^this^^ angle it really is becoming all about money.

  • nugget

    The speed to spend the money betrays a lack of trust in the society and a feeling that once the money goes they will not see it again. People are not seeing themselves as one organisation but as separate groups and they want to protect what they see as theirs.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Don't be sick about it. Your local members see the same thing we see- once the money is gone, it is really gone.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ OTWO: Don't be sick about it. Your local members see the same thing we see- once the money is gone, it is really gone.

    JWs do a lot of chest pounding and bragging about "trusting in Jehovah", but these latest antics reveal once again the superficial, and hypocritical, nature of a JWs "faith".

  • DesirousOfChange

    JWs do a lot of chest pounding and bragging about "trusting in Jehovah

    Evidently(TM), many of them are not so trusting of the WTS/GB/Branch.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley


  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Some people are just going to have to suffer in order to find out the truth about this organisation. I can think of no better way than the money scam that they are planning. People stuggling to make ends meet aren't going to be quite receptive to endless local needs talks about supporting the kingdom work. People who pull up in a new car aren't going to appreciate being called out for their 'excess' because the congregation isn't making their quota. They all need to know that the organisation has their eyes on their pocketbook. Jehovah needs money in addition to all the field service, meeting attendance, personal/family study and conventions. Oh and he needs money for those conventions too. And if a tree falls on top of the KH... You guys figure it out, the org has more important things to do.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Jesus gave an illustration of the accountant with practical thinking. He cooked the books in his favor and was commended for "worldly wisdom".

    I hope every congregation empties their accounts and donates $0 to "mother".

  • Apognophos

    Haha, this is really funny.

    In the case of tens of thousands of dollars sitting in a cong. account, why not just return it to the people it belonged to in the first place- Joe Average JW Publisher- instead of wasting it on useless/unnecessary projects?

    I think what's happening is that the elders are rushing to finish any needed work they were planning to do. They're not wasting the money, they're making sure that it benefits the local cong. before the remainder can benefit the Society.

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